Global Left Midweek - May 13, 2020

- Government Responses to the Crisis - China, Venezuela, Kerala
- Building the Global Green New Deal
- Sexuality in Lockdown
- White Flags Fly in Guatemala
- Italy: The Human Chain
- Canada: Anti-Capitalist Care
- Post-Coup Bolivia
- Lenin Today: A Russian View
- Sudan: Resist, Rebuild, Watch
- Sri Lanka: Reimagining the Frontline
- Announcing Progressive International
- Legacies
Government Responses to the Crisis
China Leonie Schiffauer / Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung (Berlin)
Venezuela Federico Fuentes and Atenea Jiménez / Green Left (Sydney)
Kerala Samuel Philip Mathew / NewsClick (New Delhi)
Building the Global Green New Deal
Jayati Ghosh / Progressive International (Athens)
There are several immediate steps that must be taken to resuscitate the global economy and deal with the public health issues the pandemic has brought to the fore.
Sexuality in Lockdown
Colin Wilson / Spectre (Greensboro)
Governments have given two kinds of answers during the pandemic to the question of how sexuality and gender relate to their task of maintaining a healthy and compliant workforce, one neoliberal, the other neoconservative.
White Flags Fly in Guatemala
Vaclav Masek / NACLA Report (New York)
As bureaucratic inefficiency delays economic recovery programs, thousands demand basic social protections following two months of lockdown.
Italy: The Human Chain
Giansandro Merli / Il Manifesto Global (Rome)
The ‘Grandma Rome’ organization distributes food to those who have lost their jobs. But they warn: ‘solidarity is not enough without a perspective of political transformation.’
Canada: Anti-Capitalist Care
Mary Jean Hande / Canadian Dimension (Winnipeg)
It is more important than ever to build on existing successful models for anti-capitalist care, knit them together, and demand a society where people, and their care, are central in our political, social and economic organization.
Post-Coup Bolivia
Oliver Vargas / Jacobin (New York)
Four months after the coup in Bolivia, Luis Arce is presidential candidate for Evo Morales's MAS. Jacobin interviewed him about the postcoup regime, its handling of coronavirus, and what the delayed election means for the Left's chances of returning to power.
Lenin Today: A Russian View
Ilya Budraitskis / LeftEast (Bucharest)
He continues to be relevant not because Lenin has given comprehensive answers to all the questions of our time, but because he uses a method in which you will find such answers for yourself.
Sri Lanka: Reimagining the Frontline
Yasmin Gunaratnam / New Politics (New York)
Women-led trade unions, mobilizing across the formal and informal sectors, have refused to cordon off the on-going challenges of diet, housing, housework and domestic violence from struggles for just wages and adequate pandemic protections.
Sudan: Resist, Rebuild, Watch
Claire Debuyser / Equal Times (Brussels)
In Sudan, neighbourhood resistance committees are the guardians of the revolution.
Announcing Progressive International
David Adler / Dissent (New York)
Progressive International is a global initiative with a mission to unite, organize, and mobilize progressive forces around the world. The PI aims to build a lasting infrastructure for internationalism.
Jack Mundey (Australia), labor lifer
Cécile Rol-Tanguy (France), Résistance fighter
Daranee Charnchoengsilpakul (Thailand), ‘Da Torpedo’
Ibrahim Gökçek (Turkey), protest musician, hunger striker