Global Left Midweek - Think Pieces and Hot News

- Think Pieces: Löwy, Solty, Colectiva Sembrar
- Good Night Golden Dawn
- Southern Africa: Labor Unrest
- Insurgencies in Two Places You Never Heard Of
- Nigeria: #ENDSARS Takes on Police Brutality
- Indonesia: Thousands in the Streets
- UK: New Fights for Tenants’ Rights
- Video: Aijaz Ahmad and Vijay Prashad Talk Che
- German Amazon Workers Greet “Prime Day”
Think Pieces: Löwy, Solty, Colectiva Sembrar
The Future of Pandemic Solidarity Colectiva Sembrar / Red Pepper (London)
Eco-socialism and/or De-growth Michael Löwy / Rupture (Dublin)
Rethinking German Reunification Ingar Solty / Jacobin (New York)
Good Night Golden Dawn
Panos Petrou / Red Flag (Melbourne)
Greeks have fought Golden Dawn since the early 1990s; subsequent generations of activists chose not to tolerate fascism and stood against it in the streets, in their schools, in their neighbourhoods, in their workplaces.
Southern Africa: Labor Unrest
COSATU: Trouble With ANC Bheki C. Simelane / Daily Maverick (Johannesburg)
Fighting For a Living Wage in Zimbabwe Tafadzwa Choto / Review of African Political Economy (London)
Insurgencies in Two Places You Never Heard Of
Bougainville Vikki John / Green Left (Sydney)
Balochistan Balochistan Marxist Review / Links (Sydney)
Nigeria: #ENDSARS Takes On Police Brutality
Al Jazeera (Doha)
Thousands of people across Nigeria have taken to the streets for a sixth straight day, keeping up the pressure in a campaign that forced the government to announce the dissolution of a notorious police unit.
Indonesia: Thousands in the Streets
Peoples Dispatch (New Delhi)
New development: Reuters reports organized workers have been joined by students and conservative Muslim groups in mass demonstrations to protest a repressive Omnibus labor law.
UK: New Fights for Tenants’ Rights
Benjamin James Davies / openDemocracy (London)
As the right seeks to wage a culture war, the left are at the vanguard of the tenants’ rights movement, directly resisting evictions and shifting the tenor of public debate around housing more generally.
Video: Aijaz Ahmad and Vijay Prashad Talk Che
Ahmad reflects on Che’s idea of what a revolution does, and his pursuit of a society which overcomes the distortions capitalism introduces to human nature.
German Amazon Workers Greet “Prime Day”
Sam Shead / CNBC (Englewood Cliffs NJ)
On the megacorp’s big sale day, workers in six cities stage a two-day job action.