Friday Nite Videos | October 1, 2021

Rudy Giuliani Is Banned From Fox News, But Not From the Late Show!
The former New York City mayor takes a break from recording Cameo messages and joins Stephen to discuss the many challenges he's facing in his personal and professional lives.
Congresswomen Share Personal Abortion Stories at Hearing
Three Democratic members of Congress offer deeply personal testimony about their own abortions as conservative states pass laws limiting abortion access.
Joe Manchin's Yacht Surrounded by West Virginian Protesters
Protesters held a demonstration in kayaks and boats in front of Senator Joe Manchin's yacht. Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks.
Amazon Empire: The Rise and Reign of Jeff Bezos
As politicians and regulators around the world start to consider the global impact of Amazon — and how to rein in Bezos’ power — FRONTLINE investigates.
Beethoven Xth Symphony: The AI Project
A three minute foretaste of the album "Beethoven X - The AI Project," to be released October 8.