Media Bits and Bytes – May 17, 2022

- Crypto Crash
- The Facebook Papers
- TV Warnings About LGBTQ Content?
- Murdoch and Putin Prop
- Need to Know: EU Digital Services Act
- Journalists Murdered
- How to Disable Ad ID Tracking
- The GOP Blocks the FCC Road
- Foxifying British News
- Diversification in the Newsroom
Crypto Crash
By David Gura
Stocks, bonds and other assets have tumbled in recent weeks as investors fear the Federal Reserve will need to raise interest rates aggressively to fight inflation, raising the prospect of a recession. The falls in broader markets have affected cryptocurrencies, with Bitcoin down more than 20% in the past two weeks.
The Facebook Papers
By Dell Cameron, Shoshana Wodinsky, and Mack DeGeurin
The Facebook Papers is a trove of documents that offer an unprecedented look inside the most powerful social media company in the world. The results of a poll commissioned by Facebook itself showed what already felt anecdotally true to many: That a majority of Americans believed Facebook at least partly responsible for the events of Jan. 6.
TV Warnings About LGBTQ Content?
By Matt Lavietes
NBC News
Five GOP senators suggested that parents’ “rightfully expressed outrage” should be directed beyond the classroom and at broadcasters for creating children's shows with LGBTQ characters and storylines. It also argued that content on sexual orientation and gender identity “harms child actors.”
Murdoch and Putin Prop
By Nick Cohen
The Guardian
If the west could find the courage, it would order an immediate freeze of Rupert Murdoch’s assets. His Fox News presenters and Russia’s propagandists are so intermeshed that separating the two is as impossible as unbaking a cake.
Need to Know: EU Digital Services Act
By Miranda Miller
Search Engine Journal
The EU Commission announced recently that Parliament and Member States had come to a “swift political agreement” on the proposed Digital Services Act (DSA). It establishes an “unprecedented new standard” for online platforms, and will force them to share how their algorithms work, remove illegal goods and content quickly, and crack down on misinformation.
- Learning from Shireen Abu Akleh By Maram Humaid, Al Jazeera
- The Death Toll By Tom Phillips, Analy Nuño, John Bartlett and Sufian Taha, The Guardian
How to Disable Ad ID Tracking
By Bennett Cyphers
Electronic Frontier Foundation
The ad identifier - aka “IDFA” on iOS, or “AAID” on Android - is the key that enables most third-party tracking on mobile devices. Disabling it will make it substantially harder for advertisers and data brokers to track and profile you, and will limit the amount of your personal information up for sale.
The GOP Blocks the FCC Road
By Jacob Seitz
The Daily Dot
In October 2021, President Joe Biden nominated Gigi Sohn to serve on the Federal Communications Commission. Sohn is a career tech watchdog and former FCC staffer. Sohn hasn’t been confirmed by the Senate—a delay of over six months since her nomination. Republicans, with their stall tactics, may have found a way to kill net neutrality.
Foxifying British News
By Scott Bryan
A strange trend is taking place on British television: Opinionated American-style television channels have appeared for the very first time. If you watch GB News on any given night, you’ll see regular features about so-called “cancel culture” and “wokeism,” as well as a show hosted by the far right leader Nigel Farage.
Diversification in the News Room
By Kyra Kyles
Despite some improvements in terms of bringing on board more staffers of color and a righteous proliferation of BIPOC-led outlets, the media industry as a whole is nowhere near as rich with diverse perspectives as one would imagine. It is possible to transform newsrooms across America at a rapid pace befitting this moment in our history.