Global Left Midweek – August 3, 2022

- Achieving Earth for All
- Fight or Starve
- Post-Roe Strategy
- Time is Short
- What Happened to Hong Kong Protests
- War Watch
- Zero Hour in Sri Lanka
- Albania’s Hard Road
- The Enemy is Militarism
- France: A Domestic Worker Joins the National Assembly
Achieving Earth for All
Jayati Ghosh / Project Syndicate (Kings Park NY)
Because the changes needed to achieve sustainable well-being for everyone are so big, they require determined social movements with wide participation. But while history shows that inertia and defeatism can become self-fulfilling, it also shows that governments ultimately have to respond to popular pressure – or be replaced by it.
Fight or Starve
Sri Lanka is not alone. Rising inflation has pushed a lot of other nations to the brink of an economic collapse. Pakistan and Nepal find themselves with low forex; the soaring cost of living has led to protests in Argentina, Ghana, Kenya.
Post-Roe Strategy
Yifat Susskind / Common Dreams (Portland ME)
As we build a long-term strategy for reproductive justice, we must look towards feminist allies around the world who are fighting for reproductive justice despite legal and political obstacles. From movements to decriminalize abortion in Colombia and Mexico, to frontline workers providing abortion care despite criminalization: their work illuminates a path.
Time is Short
João Pedro Stedile / Monthly Review (New York)
We must implement methods of popular democracy and broad popular participation in each country to ensure that national states work in favor of the people, not capital. We urgently need to develop new international instruments of governance, not just for governments, but also including representatives of political and popular organizations in every region.
What Happened to Hong Kong Protests
Lea Mok / Hong Kong Free Press
Three years on from mass protests and unrest which rocked the city for months, Hong Kong’s government insists it has restored stability and predicts a bright future for its people. But the after-effects of the pro-democracy unrest, including a Beijing-imposed national security law and sweeping electoral changes, have permanently reshaped the city.
War Watch
- Debating the War Mike Phipps / Labour Hub (London)
- The Real Military Balance Between Russia and NATO Anatol Lieven / Responsible Statecraft (Washington DC)
- Russian Partisans vs. the War Machine Alisa Zemlyanskaya / The Insider (Riga)
- Ukrainian Workers’ War on Two Fronts Dick Nichols / Green Left (Sydney)
Zero Hour in Sri Lanka
- Emergency Regulations Imposed Marianne David interviews Shamala Kumar / The Morning (Colombo)
Political Phases and Faces of the ‘Aragalaya’ Sumudu Chamara / The Morning
The Crisis and Minorities Niro Kandasamy / The Conversation (Melbourne)
Albania’s Hard Road
Daniel Finn interviews Lea Ypi / Jacobin (New York)
From its late break with the Ottoman Empire to the Cold War rule of Enver Hoxha, Albania has followed an unusual path through modern history. But the country’s experience of communism and postcommunism is full of valuable lessons for the politics of today.
The Enemy is Militarism
Niamh Ní Bhriain / Transnational Institute (Amsterdam)
Although militarism enables and prolongs war, since the invasion of Ukraine, Western governments have ratcheted up defence spending, strengthened military alliances, and intensified divisive rhetoric. How did we get here and where will this unbridled militarism lead us?
France: A Domestic Worker Joins the National Assembly
Africanews (Pointe-Noire, Congo)
Rachel Keke led and won a 22-month battle for better pay and conditions at the hotel in Paris where she worked. The campaign secured her the respect of Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s radical supporters. In her constituency on the outskirts of Paris, she defeated President Emmanuel Macron’s former sports minister Roxana Maracineanu by 177 votes.