Global Left Midweek – August 31, 2022
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  1. Palestine: Organizing the Resistance
  2. Myanmar Movement Takes Up the Rohingya Question
  3. South Africa Crisis
  4. Calls for Emergency Response to Pakistan Climate Disaster
  5. Debating Peace in Ukraine
  6. Independent Unions in Mexico
  7. Angola Election
  8. Is China Imperialist? Pakistani Left View
  9. Left Parties Form Front in Turkey
  10. Jamaican Farm Workers in Canada

Palestine: Organizing the Resistance

Razi Nabulse / Middle East Eye (London)

The Israeli army routinely breaks in to Palestinian homes, intimidates Palestinians and takes them from their families. Amid this backdrop, Jenin in recent months has been challenging the status quo, turning every Israeli incursion - and there have been dozens this year - into a battle.

Myanmar Movement Takes Up the Rohingya Question

The Irrawaddy (Rangoon)

Myanmar’s civilian National Unity Government (NUG) has called on international organizations to support their endeavours to achieve justice and peace for the country’s persecuted Rohingya ethnic minority. The NUG also expressed great shame over the historic exclusionary and discriminatory policies, practices and rhetoric against the Rohingya and other ethnic groups.

South Africa Crisis

Call for Emergency Response to Pakistan Climate Disaster

Lidy Nacpil / Europe solidaire sans frontières (Paris)

As many parts of Asia are going through the monsoon season, people and communities are experiencing extreme impacts of an ever escalating climate crisis. The people of Pakistan need our financial support, as well as the intensification of our collective efforts to demand climate and economic justice!

Debating Peace in Ukraine

Independent Unions in M

Hector de la Cueva / Mexico Solidarity Network

The long-time general coordinator of the Center for Labor Research and Advocacy in México City has spent the last four decades tirelessly supporting workers looking to get out from under the corrupt company unions. México’s long history with unions that aren’t operating as true workers’ organizations has left workers with little experience in rank-and-file unionism to draw from. 

Angola Election

Is China Imperialist? Pakistani Left View

Aasim Sajjad Akhtar / Jamhoor

Meaningful conceptualization of imperialism(s) in the current conjuncture demands that we neither overlook the substantial contradictions of ‘socialism with Chinese characteristics’, nor understate what many in the western Left have called the ‘New Cold War’ against China.

Left Parties Form Front in Turkey

Peoples Dispatch (New Delhi)

The new alliance, the Union of Socialist Forces, has resolved to put an end to the conservative rule in Turkey led by Erdoğan and the AKP, as well as defend secularism and withdraw from NATO.

Jamaican Farm Workers in Canada

Natasha Bulowski / Canada’s National Observer (Vancouver)

Workers asked Jamaica’s labour minister to lobby the Canadian government to grant permanent resident status to all migrants on arrival, implement and enforce national housing standards, create an anonymous system to report abuse, among other measures to address the issues.

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