Global Left Midweek – October 5, 2022
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  1. Women in Iran Stand Up, Women of the World Respond
  2. Brazil Election
  3. Europe: Mass Protests Demand Life Security
  4. Haiti Turmoil
  5. Swedish Left Party’s Socialist Handbook for Intra-Party Feminism
  6. Latin America at the General Assembly
  7. Trading Hegemons
  8. Tanzania: Court Defends Evictions of Indigenous Maasai 
  9. The Japanese Communist Party in Perspective
  10. Luis Arces Fourteen Proposals

Women in Iran Stand Up, Women of the World Respond

Brazil Election: Lula Faces Runoff

Europe: Mass Protests Demand Life Security

Haiti Turmoil

Swedish Left Party’s Socialist Handbook for Intra-Party Feminism

Vänsterpartiet / Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung (Berlin)

Sexual harassment and violence directed primarily against women is an omnipresent part of our society and, unfortunately, also crops up repeatedly on the Left. The handbook on feminism within the Vänsterpartiet, or Swedish Left Party, which was designed to facilitate the fair participation of women in the party by setting out clear rules of communication and conduct.

Latin America at the General Assembly

Chase Harrison, Carin Zissis and Jon Orbach / Americas Society (New York)

Three ‘New Pink Tide’ Latin American leaders addressed the body for the first time: Chile’s Gabriel Boric, Colombia’s Gustavo Petro, and Honduras’ Xiomara Castro. Castro denounced attacks on Honduras' sovereignty; underscored local plans to de-privatize healthcare, drinking water, electrical energy, and internet; and called for an end to embargoes on Cuba and Venezuela.

Trading Hegemons

Walden Bello / IDEAs (Oxford)

A hegemonic stalemate or a hegemonic vacuum, opens up the path to a world where there could be greater freedom of political and economic maneuver for smaller, traditionally less privileged actors from the global South, where a truly multilateral order could be constructed through cooperation rather than be imposed through either unilateral or liberal hegemony.

Tanzania: Court Defends Evictions of Indigenous Maasai 

Al Jazeera (Doha)

The regional East African Court of Justice has ruled that Tanzania’s decision to cordon off land for wildlife protection was legal, dealing a blow to the Maasai Indigenous group who had protested against the move, accusing the government of trying to force them off their ancestral land to promote tourism.

The Japanese Communist Party in Perspective

Tanida Kuniichi and Nakakita Kōji / (Tokyo)

In July 2022, the Japanese Communist Party commemorated the hundredth anniversary of its founding. In the prewar era and for a time after World War II, the party urged violent revolution and was a target of harsh repression, but it increased its influence thereafter, and recently has cooperated with other parties to present a united opposition. 

Luis Arce
s Fourteen Proposals

Andrés Figueroa Cornejo / Pressenza (Milan)

Listen to a simultaneous English translation of Arce’s UN speech on September 20, 2022, in full, here.

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