Friday Nite Videos | November 11, 2022
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Is JFK Jr. Still Alive? Jordan Klepper Fingers the Conspiracy

Daily Show contributor and podcast host Jordan Klepper digs deep into this conspiracy theory that’s circulating at Trump rallies and the larger MAGA world

Trump Attacks DeSantis in Unhinged Rant

Donald Trump drops a big hint of where he sees a looming threat to his hold over the Maga faithful 

How John Fetterman Broke Trump’s Red Wave

In the vital swing state of Pennsylvania, the progressive Democrat John Fetterman defeated the TV celebrity Dr Mehmet Oz in a race that could determine the balance of power in Washington

Lindell Freaks, Fox News Turns on Trump

Republicans and right-wing media look for someone to blame after Biden had the best midterm showing of any sitting president in 20 years

What We Know About the State of Russia's Military

Russian soldiers' own videos, sent back to their relatives, shed light on the conditions inside Russia's military and the devastating toll on their morale and will to fight

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