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Unions, States Confront Trump Home Care Worker Rule

Sophie Quinton Pew Research Center
The rule is "a blatant political attack on a group of workers that are 90% women and majority people of color,” said April Verrett, president of SEIU Local 2015, which represents some 380,000 California home care and nursing home workers.


UAW Must Resist Strategy to Divide Members, NAACP Leader Says

Phoebe Wall Howard Detroit Free Press
“Are you going to be able to keep what you have? Are you going to be able to sit at the table as one?” NAACP National President Derrick Johnson asked UAW members, as he urged them to avoid division based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender.


Professional Sports Players Unions & The Broader Labor Movement

Amy Livingston and Heidi Wagner  Workday Minnesota
Sports unions employee a 'empowerment unionism' strategy that sees the contract as a basic framework that sets some minimum thresholds and establishes a procedure for resolving disputes. Workers are free to negotiate their own salaries.


Florida Teachers on Edge as New Law Threatens Their Unions

Jeffrey S. Solochek  Tampa Bay Times
A new collective bargaining law--supported by the Koch brothers’ Americans for Prosperity--requires local unions to prove they represent a majority of the teachers in their districts. The measuring stick? At least half of all employees eligible to be in the union must be paying dues.

Going on Offense During Challenging Times

Marilyn Sneiderman and Secky Fascione New Labor Forum
Bargaining for the common good campaigns are when union and community groups together leverage contract negotiations for broader, shared gains.


Iowa Workers Defy Attempt to Weaken Their Unions

Bill Knight Pekin Daily Times
Under a new anti-union law, public-sector unions must re-certify each time they’re scheduled to bargain new contracts, every two or three years. Right-wing backers of the law hoped it would weaken unions by forcing them to devote time and resources to the recertification process and lead workers to drop their membership. But the members of the state's 468 union locals voted overwhelmingly to stick with their union.
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