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Tidbits - August 4, 2016 - Reader Comments: 2016 - Clinton, Democratic Convention, left electoral strategy, climate change, Jill Stein, Leonard Peltier, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and more...

Reader Comments: 2016 Election Campaign - After the DNC, Hillary, Jill and the Donald; The Election and After - Strategy for this election AND going forward; Climate Change policy needs to be front and center; Campaign for Leonard Peltier's freedom; Ireland and Iceland set the example - jailing bankers that caused meltdown; Hiroshima and Nagasaki memorials at the UN and in New York; Letters to the Wall - What the Vietnam War was all about; and more . . . .

Tidbits - July 7, 2016 - Reader Comments: Bernie and What Next; Indigenous Peoples; Hawaii; Dominican Republic; Tair Kaminer; Israel; Elie Wiesel; Socialism; Resources; Announcement; and more...

Reader Comments: Bernie, Endorse?, What Next?; Dominican Republic; Indigenous Peoples in US; Hawaii; Tair Kaminer - Israeli Political Prisoner - Inspiring People Worldwide; Elie Wiesel - Responses to Max Blumenthal; Austrian Election Update; On Socialism; on the IWW; Angry response to post about Viet Thanh Nguyen; Resources: The Invention of the White Race; Mining and Resistance in Dinétah; Announcement: From Sanders to the Grassroots: National Student Conference

Two Men, Two Legs and Too Much Suffering: The Forgotten Vietnamese Victims

Nick Turse TomDispatch
He was short in stature, elderly, frail, and couldn't hear particularly well, but what struck me most were his eyes. They were cloudy and rheumy, yes, but there was something else, something deep and troubled, beyond the merely physical, swirling inside them. His eyes were haunted.

The Untold History of US War Crimes

Peter Kuzinick and Edu Montesanti Global Research (Canada)
In this exclusive interview, Prof Peter Kuznick speaks of: the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagazaki; US crimes and lies behind the Vietnam war, and what was really behind that inhumane invasion; why the US engaged a Cold War with the Soviet Union, and how that war and the mainstream media influences the world today; the interests behind the assassinations of President Kennedy; US imperialism towards Latin America. . .the War on Terror and War on Drugs.

Tidbits - Feb. 11, 2016 - What do Wealthiest Deserve; Bernie or Hillary - Ben Jealous, Danny Glover, Harry Belafonte, Lee Saunders; Teaching with Protest Music; Uber Drivers Organize; Announcements; Resources; more...

Reader Comments: What do Wealthiest Deserve?; Bernie or Hillary - Ben Jealous, Danny Glover, Harry Belafonte, Lee Saunders; Teaching with Protest Music; Israel Crackdown on Palestinian Peace Activists; Uber Drivers; B-52's Failed Against Hanoi; Announcements: Rebellious Lawyering; "The Fight to Vote Resources: New York Times Spoof Site Back Up; New Rosa Parks website; Black History Month - A Bad-ass from History; Tufts University Study on TPP'; The Armenian Genocide

Tidbits - September 3, 2015 - Unions and BDS; Farm worker Rebellion; Cornel West; Solidarity Confinement Victory; Drones in Dakota; lots of announcements...

Reader Comments: U.S. Trade Union Support for BDS; Pacific Coast Farm Worker Rebellion; Cornel West - Sanders, Trump and BLM; Selma - Site of National Dumping; North Dakota Legalizes Drone Strikes; Solidarity Confinement Victory in California; Israel, Iran; Sex Trade, Sex Workers and Amnesty International; Announcements: - New App for Worker Rights; Charleston, Chicago, Brooklyn, Bay Area, New York

Bruce Springsteen: Born in the USA

Springsteen's rock masterpiece captures the anguish of fighting a war (Vietnam) for which the soldier can find no explanation and no justification. 

It's Time We Have a Holiday to Honor Those Who Try to Stop Wars Too

Dylan Matthews Vox
American history is littered with examples of pointless wars fought for bad reasons, and with people who risked their careers and their freedom to oppose them. some wars aren't worth fighting. Some causes aren't worth sacrificing American lives for. Those who've fought to remind the government of those basic facts deserve our respect and our thanks.

Tidbits - May 28, 2015 - California Oil Spill; Baltimore; Bernie; Waco White Riot; Freedom for Oscar López Rivera New York - May 30; and more...

Reader Comments - California Oil Spill; Baltimore; Bernie Sanders Campaign; Waco and White Riot; Freedom for Oscar López Rivera - New York March May 30; Why Libraries Matter; Cold War Modernist; Announcements - Last Cold War Spycase - film showing - Washington - June 7; National Healthcare Strategy Conference in Chicago Oct. 30 Today in History - The Paris Commune - 144 Years Ago; Today Marks 5 Years in Confinement for Chelsea Manning

President Obama's Human and Moral Challenge: Oscar López Rivera

Editorial, translated by Jan Susler El Nuevo Dia
This week, members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus sent a letter to President Obama, with a copy to Attorney General Loretta Lynch, asking him to immediately commute the sentence of political prisoner Oscar López Rivera, a decorated Vietnam War veteran.
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