Tidbits - March 3, 2022 - Reader Comments: War in Ukraine - Portside readers respond to numerous Portside posts with different views; Police Reform; Medicare for All; Resources; Announcements; more....

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Re: Global Left Midweek - Russia, Ukraine and the West (Ethan Young)
Re: Russians Continue Anti-War Rallies Despite Protesters' Arrests (Diana Cantu)
War in Ukraine (Ellen Cantarow)
Unjust War  --  cartoon by Rob Rogers
Re: Nuclear War Risk Rises as Tension Mounts Between Nuclear Superpowers over Ukraine (Stan Nadel)
Re: Respond to Putin’s Illegal Invasion of Ukraine With Diplomacy, Not War (Dave Lott)
Re: Ordinary Russians Don’t Want This War (Jane Collins)
Re: Inside Russian Journalists’ Fight Against Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine (George Lessard)
Re: Worse Than a Crime; It’s a Blunder (John Woodford)
Director of Vsevolod Meyerhold Theater in Moscow, resigns in protest (Theater Mania)
Re: Bob Dylan, Masters of War, and the Ukraine Crisis (Stan Nadel)
Russian Ballet Theatre
Re: Russia’s Ukraine Invasion Will Cost the West, but It Will Cost Russia More (Jeffrey R. Kerr-Ritchie; Randy Shannon)
Re: Some Economic Consequences of the War in Ukraine (Mike Liston)
Ukraine - About Portside posts on Ukraine and Russia (H Ingham)
Re: This is How We Defeat Putin and Other Petrostate Autocrats (John Berman)
Re: Key to Strategy: Assess the Balance of Forces (John Aldis; Judith Maura)
Re: The Rise and Rupture of Campaign Zero (Jack Radey)
Healthcare Today  --  cartoon
Re: Inside the American Medical Association's Fight Over Single-Payer Health Care (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Re: How Union Drives in Mexico Help All Workers (Labor Caucus, Move to Amend)
Re: Interview With Lula: It’s Time to Rebuild Brazil (Joe Grogan)
Re: Technology Is Terrifying in Steven Soderbergh’s Kimi (Maria Alicia)


Building the economy ‘from the bottom up and the middle out’ (Economic Policy Institute)


Rally for Workers on Strike at G/O Media - New York City - March 4 (Writers Guild of America, East)
Global Day of Action: Stop the War in Ukraine. Russian Troops Out. No to NATO expansion - Sunday, March 6 (CODEPINK, Stop the War Coalition, the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and the No To NATO network)
The Russia-Ukraine War and the Imperative of Organizing for Peace Zoom - March 6 (RootsAction)
Medicare for All Strategy Conference - April 2-3

Re: Global Left Midweek - Russia, Ukraine and the West

(posted this week's Global Left Midweek posting)

Update: The UN General Assembly voted to censure Russia. Iran, China, Cuba, India, Vietnam, and 31 other countries abstained. Only Belarus, Eritrea, North Korea and Syria voted with Russia to oppose the resolution.

Ethan Young
Posted on Portside's Facebook page


Re: Russians Continue Anti-War Rallies Despite Protesters' Arrests

I'm impressed with the bravery of people protesting under threat of repression.

Diana Cantu
Posted on Portside's Facebook page


War in Ukraine

Russia's invasion of Ukraine is horrific and must be condemned. But - apart from my and perhaps two other people's postings at least on my page about this war - it's all drumbeats of course for Ukraine. With no - ZERO. ZILCH. NADA - reflections on history going very, very far back, but for this crisis as far back as 1996, when George Kennen foretold exactly what would happen if NATO parked on Russia's doorstep. 

I posted the George Kennen New York Times 1996 article yesterday.

It was concise, short, and to the point, and its message was essentially, if NATO does not keep to its agreement to restrict itself to Eastern Germany, but rather begins approaching Ukraine, then this (and he detailed precisely what is now taking place) would happen. It is the absolute height of hypocrisy for the US to now be ringing alarum bells against Russia and for Ukraine (especially as the US has no intention of defending Ukraine with arms). 

What does one suppose people in Chile felt when the US toppled Allende and installed Pinochet? What does one suppose Africans felt at the CIA-inspired assassination of Patrice Lumumba, which changed the politics of that continent forever? I could go on and on. 

Please, please! I am NOT exonerating the kleptocrat megalomaniac Putin. But I am pleading with readers who have open minds to review the NATO history vis-a-vis Russia. Putin has a fear based on the Nazi invasion of Russia through Ukraine in WWII. Ukraine is crucial for Russia's safety, otherwise attacks on Russia can be waged there. And this is exactly what is happening. Lest readers be glib about, well, let's just take Putin out, please consider the hundreds and by now potentially thousands of Ukrainians who are dying and injured, as well as the many Russian soldiers, 20 percent of them conscript, who are dying/injured. 

The way to peace is NOT through more war. That does not mean (since, yeah, I can chew gum and walk) I am not most profoundly for supporting the Ukrainian resistance. What I am saying is that it's a helluva disaster but one that could have been foretold -- and avoided. Even now, Biden's administration is saying no to any limits on NATO. 

So whatever our dear friend Biden says this evening, if he does not open the door to a NATO retreat, we are just going to have more of the same. All of which redounds to the profits of the US military industry, which is raking in huge profits now - justifying, BTW, Biden's huge expansion of the US military budget when he took office. There is plenty here to be outraged about beyond being outraged by Putin.

Ellen Cantarow


Unjust War  --  cartoon by Rob Rogers


Rob Rogers
March 1, 2022


Re: Nuclear War Risk Rises as Tension Mounts Between Nuclear Superpowers over Ukraine

I hope I'm right that this won't escalate into nuclear war. But I suspect a lot of countries are now going to have 2nd thoughts about not having their own nuclear weapons. Ukraine gave up 1,000 of them in exchange for useless guarantees that Russia (& other signers) would respect its borders. If they still had those missiles the Russians would not have dared to invade them. Saddam Hussein too paid the price for not having a nuclear deterrent--unlike N. Korea which has one. The Iranians have taken the latter lesson to heart and now others will too. I fear we are about to see a new round of nuclear proliferation and will all be less safe as a result.

Stan Nadel


Re: Respond to Putin’s Illegal Invasion of Ukraine With Diplomacy, Not War

Excellent analysis:

“The illegal Russian invasion of Ukraine is already causing enormous suffering.

Our first concern must be for civilians across the country, now facing violence and displacement. And our first call must be for an immediate ceasefire, a pull-back of Russian troops from Ukraine, and international support for the humanitarian challenges already underway in the region.
As for resolving the conflict, that requires understanding its causes — which has everything to do with when we start the clock.

If we start the clock in February 2022, the main problem is Russia’s attack on Ukraine. If we start the clock in 1997, however, the main problem is Washington pushing NATO — the Cold War-era military alliance that includes the United States and most of Europe — to expand east, breaking an assurance the U.S. made to Russia after the Cold War.

Many foreign policy experts and peace advocates have called for ending the anachronistic alliance ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. But NATO remains and has only encroached toward Russia further, resulting in new NATO countries — bristling with NATO arms systems — right on Russia’s borders.

Russia sees that expansion — and its integration of neighboring countries into  U.S.-led military partnerships —  as a continuing threat. Ukraine is not a member of NATO. But in the past the U.S. and other NATO members have urged its acceptance, and Russia regards Ukraine’s drift toward the West as a precursor to membership.

None of that makes Russia’s invasion of Ukraine legal, legitimate, or necessary. President Biden was right when he called Russia’s war “unjustified.” But he was wrong when he said it was “unprovoked.” It’s not condoning Putin’s invasion to observe there certainly was provocation — not so much by Ukraine, but by the United States.

In recent weeks, the Biden administration made important moves towards diplomacy. But it undermined those crucial efforts by increasing threats, escalating sanctions, deploying thousands of U.S. troops to neighboring countries, and sending tens of millions of dollars worth of weapons to Ukraine — all while continuing to build a huge new U.S. military base in Poland just 100 miles from the Russian border.”

Dave Lott
Posted on Portside's Facebook page


Re: Ordinary Russians Don’t Want This War

The only ones to gain will be the very rich investors in the military-industrial complex. They're the only Americans (though they are loyal to no country) who rejoice to see this horrible war.

Jane Collins
Posted on Portside's Facebook page


Re: Inside Russian Journalists’ Fight Against Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine

“… In a country where journalists are regularly arrested and detained for little or no reason, publicly signing a letter opposing the government’s action is a brave thing to do, especially for those who have already been detained for their journalism.…”

George Lessard
Posted on Portside's Facebook page


Re: Worse Than a Crime; It’s a Blunder

It would be better described as: Worse than a blunder, it is a crime!!"

John Woodford


Director of Vsevolod Meyerhold Theater in Moscow, resigns in protest

Elena Kovalskaya announced that she could no longer in good conscience draw a state salary.

February 25, 2022
Theater Mania

Elena Kovalskaya, director of the Vsevolod Meyerhold Theater and Cultural Center in Moscow, resigned in protest against the Russian invasion of Ukraine…….  In a message shared on Facebook, she wrote, 

"Friends, in protest against Russia's invasion of Ukraine, I am leaving my post as director of the State Theater and Vsevolod Meyerhold Cultural Center in Moscow. It is impossible  to work for a murderer and collect a salary from him.


Re: Bob Dylan, Masters of War, and the Ukraine Crisis

“Many insist that NATO enlargement is not the real issue for Putin and that he wants to recreate the Russian empire, pure and simple. Everything else, including NATO enlargement, they claim, is a mere distraction. This is utterly mistaken."

Well if you actually read Putin's speech when he signed on to send troops into the eastern Ukraine you might have some doubts about this proposition. He spouted Great Russian nationalism, denied all legitimacy to a Ukrainian State, and said the Ukraine was always part of Russia and the creation of a separate Ukraine was just an attempt by Lenin and the Bolsheviks to divide and weaken the Russian people.

It sure sounds a lot more like German propaganda about bringing all Germans "Heim ins Reich" in 1938 than something having to do with NATO. How leftists can sympathize with and defend this nationalist and anti-Communist regime in Russia escapes me. We need to face the reality that the US & co are not the only evil empire in today's world. Denying that reality only plays into the hands of the enemies of the left aligned with Putin line the far right parties in France and Austria and the Balkans.

Stan Nadel


Russian Ballet Theatre

We were born and raised in different countries. Ballet is our passion and profession. It brings us together on one stage.

We Dance For Peace. #rbtheatre #artunites #danceforpeace

The RBT team announces the change of company’s name for the remaining shows on tour in solidarity for our friends, family members and all those in pain and fear caused by decisions of a small group of monsters.

Let’s not allow them to destroy a beautiful world and culture created by millions of brave and kind, smart and caring people of the world.

We Dance for Peace. We stand with Ukraine.

Russian Ballet Theatre
February 23, 2022


Re: Russia’s Ukraine Invasion Will Cost the West, but It Will Cost Russia More

Timothy Noah writes: “I conclude that Russia doesn’t start wars because it's feeling flush or feeling broke…Wars start because somebody feels like starting one.” 

It would be generous to describe this as a vacuous explanation. One can only seriously comprehend the Ukraine crisis within the historical context of NATO's consistent expansion and autocrat Putin’s repeated call to stop this aggrandizement because of its threat to his country. If communism is dead, and NATO sought to contain it, then what is its raison d’être nowadays? 

Surely it cannot be the projection of US power globally through international organizations! Of course, this is a no-no on corporate-liberal media platforms. Instead, we are left watching and reading these pundits dither over what Putin’s motives are when these have been pretty clear all along - stop the military build-up closer and closer to Russia’s borders. We can only hope that this thing does not escalate because of an organizational over-reaction producing a similar devastating response from Russia.

Jeffrey R. Kerr-Ritchie


“Wars start because somebody  feels like starting one.” Thanks for working
so hard to develop our understanding of global capitalism and the cause of

Randy Shannon


Re: Some Economic Consequences of the War in Ukraine

My bet is that the US, its population for the most part already in severe difficulties due to rising inflation, low wages, poor health insurance and so on, will feel the pain perhaps much sooner than Europe, which will certainly feel big pain. 

As for the US and it's fracking, I suspect the reason this industry is not producing all out despite recent price increases, is simply because it can't. Best I can tell, and yeah, I know I'm not an oil industry expert, but what I see is a money losing industry that has seen it's best days, that is, best days in terms of the fast buck pirates who got it started. As for what's left in the ground, is the effort worth the trouble?.

As for other, more conventional sources of  oil, which we certainly don't need to see burned, it's Venezuela, Russia, Iran, Iraq and Libya that hold the best reserves. You think they're all eager to help out the Empire and its stooges during hard times? I guess what comes around does go around.  Kind of funny when you think about it, 

Mike Liston


Ukraine - About Portside posts on Ukraine and Russia

You are carrying articles that don't give a full enough history of the Ukraine conflict .

That Ukraine violated the Minsk Accords, has been in constant low grade assault on the Donbas and that the military is infiltrated by nationalists with Nazi tendencies.  This is the background of the invasion.  The US should stop meddling and promoting violence in the region.

Please post Bryce Greene's article from FAIR.org and Richard Sawa's piece from Pushback w Aaron Matte

H Ingham


Re: This is How We Defeat Putin and Other Petrostate Autocrats

Great piece by McKibben but I am troubled by one sentence about Germany “probably regretting its decision to hastily shut down its nuclear reactors after the Fukushima accident.”  Nuclear power is dangerous, inefficient, un-ecological,  and not an acceptable alternative to fossil fuels.  I so hope McKibben isn’t advocating for nukes as part of our path forward.

John Berman


Re: Key to Strategy: Assess the Balance of Forces

I guess it is unfortunate that we must become "anti-MAGA" -- as if we don't want America to be great. It is like being "anti-ANTIFA" -- as if we are pro-fascist.

This is what happens when the "language" starts pushing aside what we are actually trying to say.

John Aldis
Posted on Portside's Facebook page


John Aldis yes, absolute truth. It is insane

Judith Maura
Posted on Portside's Facebook page


Re: The Rise and Rupture of Campaign Zero 

What has been overlooked in much of the discussion of police in the last few years is what has been going on inside of law enforcement during this period. There has been a struggle between the old ways and a lot of serious cops who think the old ways are no good for anyone, and who are angry about the violence from their ranks against people of color etc. 

By lumping all law enforcement into one group, and insisting they are all racist murderers, and by calling for abolition, or ignoring the reality of police work, we guarantee both that all the wonderful energy around this issue will be wasted (we will never have abolition), and we will end up winning no reforms, that actually could save lives. We also abandon potential allies inside law enforcement, and there are more than you might think. This badly needs some serious thought, and one fuck of a lot less rhetoric.

Jack Radey
Posted on Portside's Facebook page


Healthcare Today  --  cartoon


Blender Girl
February 29, 2022


Re: Inside the American Medical Association's Fight Over Single-Payer Health Care

The AMA's campaign against "socialized medicine" gave the world "Ronald Reagan, politician," and is therefore directly responsible for the poisonous dystopia this country has become over the past forty years. It's nice they've done a "face turn" at this late date, but maybe it's time to apologize for all the past damage done and lobby for the cancellation of all medical debt now being carried.

Eleanor Roosevelt
Posted on Portside's Facebook page


Re: How Union Drives in Mexico Help All Workers

An intriguing article from Portside https://portside.org/2022-03-02/how-union-drives-mexico-help-all-workers about how united workers help everyone!

Labor Caucus, Move to Amend
Posted on Portside's Facebook page


Re: Interview With Lula: It’s Time to Rebuild Brazil

Thank you for providing an analysis of what happens when a Right-Wing government working hand in hand with Washington and the corporate elite, ruins a country.

Joe Grogan/Bolton, Ontario


Re: Technology Is Terrifying in Steven Soderbergh’s Kimi

(posting on Portside Culture)

Perhaps, but do the listeners understand what they are listening to? Or, do they even care?

Maria Alicia
Posted on Portside's Facebook page

Building the economy ‘from the bottom up and the middle out’ (Economic Policy Institute)

When a majority of workers want to form a union—they should not be stopped

In his State of the Union address last night, President Biden urged Congress to pass the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act.

“When we invest in our workers, when we build the economy from the bottom up and the middle out, we can build a better America,” he said.

Unions are critical to establishing good jobs with fair pay and safe working conditions. But companies continue to attack union organizing efforts, and current labor law does not do enough to protect workers. Passing the PRO Act is a key step in giving workers the freedom to organize.

Read more about how employers thwart union-organizing efforts and how the PRO Act protects workers.

Economic Policy Institute
1225 Eye St. NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-775-8810 • epi@epi.org

Rally for Workers on Strike at G/O Media - New York City - March 4 (Writers Guild of America, East)

Friday, March 4 - 10:00 AM

1290 6th Avenue 
New York, NY 10104

Why GMG Union Is Striking

We are the unionized workers at Gizmodo, Jalopnik, Jezebel, Kotaku, Lifehacker, and The Root.

Since January 31, the Gizmodo Media Group Union (GMG Union) and G/O’s Media’s outside counsel have met five times. Every session, the company’s outside counsel sidestepped and delayed, refusing to provide written counterproposals to the union’s good-faith proposals. How can you bargain a contract when the people across the table won’t even clearly state what they’re advocating for?

We have not made this choice to strike lightly. Please read about the company proposals we’re fighting below.

Gizmodo Media Group Union
Writers Guild of America, East
250 Hudson Street, Suite 700
New York, New York 10013

Global Day of Action: Sunday, March 6 (CODEPINK, Stop the War Coalition, the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and the No To NATO network)

Join our Global Day of Action: Sunday, March 6th, 2022

Stop the War in Ukraine. Russian Troops Out. No to NATO expansion.

An international anti-war zoom meeting on February 26 attended by thousands and organized by CODEPINK, Stop the War Coalition, the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and the No To NATO network agreed to an international day of anti-war action on Sunday, March 6. We call on everyone who opposes this war to take to the streets on March 6 in a massive display of global opposition to the war and the warmongers. The war in Ukraine is a disaster for the people of Ukraine and a terrible threat to us all, including increasing the danger of nuclear war. We oppose the Russian invasion and call for the immediate withdrawal of all Russian troops. We recognize that the expansion of NATO and the aggressive approach of Western states have helped cause the crisis and we demand an end to NATO expansion. We also oppose sanctions that will harm ordinary Russians and call on all countries to welcome refugees fleeing the war.

There have already been many anti-war demonstrations in Russia and many other countries. What we need now is a massive, unified response by peace-loving people around the world to say No to War in Ukraine; Yes to Negotiations and Peace.

👇🏿 Find events, or login to host your own events below!

Click here

Peace in Ukraine

Coalition members

Local Organizations

The Russia-Ukraine War and the Imperative of Organizing for Peace Zoom - March 6 (RootsAction)

Sunday, March 6, 11am Pacific, 2pm Eastern, 8pm Berlin

The shocking invasion of Ukraine by Russia has impacts that will reverberate around the world for some time. In addition to our deep concern for the victims of this unjust war, we think there is an important opening for greater cooperation between peace forces in Europe (East and West) and North America. What can we do to end this war swiftly? What can we do to prevent the next one? Join us on the Global Day of Action for Peace in Ukraine.

Confirmed speakers:

Sevim Dağdelen - Member of the Bundestag in Germany since 2005. In the parliament she is Chairwoman of the parliamentary group DIE LINKE (Left) in the Foreign Affairs Committee and Spokeswoman for International Policy and Disarmament.

Daniel Ellsberg - Former U.S. military analyst who caused a national uproar in 1971 when he provided the New York Times and other newspapers with the Pentagon Papers, an extensive U.S. military document that exposed many of the government's deceptions during the Vietnam War. Since then, he has continued as an activist. His latest book is “The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner.”

Bill Fletcher Jr. - Former president of TransAfrica Forum and a Senior Scholar with the Institute for Policy Studies. He is the author of several books, a syndicated columnist, and a regular media commentator on television, radio and the Web.

Nadezhda Azhgihina - A Russian journalist, director of PEN Moscow, board member of Article 19, member of Russian Chamber for Media Complaints, co-founder of Association of Women Journalists (Russia). She lives in Moscow.

Register here.


Medicare for All Strategy Conference - April 2-3

We have extended the Early Bird registration deadline for the Medicare for All Strategy Conference. You can now get your ticket for the discount price of $35 until March 11! After that, the price goes up to $50.

Get registered today!

Our Medicare for All Strategy Conference is your chance to hear about the future of our movement from leaders like Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, experts like the esteemed Dr. Abdul El-Sayed, and folks on the ground around the country keeping up the fight for Medicare for All!

You'll be able to participate in workshops on everything from how to talk to folks in your community about healthcare, to saving Medicare and the VA from privatization, to winning a Medicare for All resolution in your city or town or Medicare for All legislation at the state and federal levels. 

And the best part? It's all happening online, which means you can get in on the action right from your living room!

In addition to our presenters and workshop leaders, the conference will bring together over 1,000 activists from around the country to build our movement, learn, meet new friends, and plot out our next steps toward making Medicare for All a reality!

The "live" conference, including workshops, interactive conversations, and more, will take place during the weekend of April 2-3. In the week leading up to the conference, each evening we’ll release pre-recorded panel discussions and presentations addressing key issues facing our movement, which you can watch at any time.

We are still adding new workshops and presentations every day, but you can check out the current schedule here!

Scholarships are available for those who can't afford the registration cost!

If you can't attend, please consider making a donation to Healthcare-NOW to subsidize a scholarship for someone in need! 

If you have questions about the conference, please feel free to email conference@healthcare-now.org.

See you there!

1534 Tremont St.
Boston, MA 02120-2929

Advisory Board

Medea Benjamin - Code Pink
Bonnie Castillo - California Nurses Association/National Nurses United
Tom Conway - United Steelworkers
David Himmelstein, MD - Physicians for a National Health Program
Terry O'Neill - National Organization for Women
Cecil Roberts - United Mine Workers
Ethel Long Scott - Women's Economic Agenda Project

Board of Directors

Jenni Chang - Healthy California Now
Barbara DiPietro - National Health Care for the Homeless Council
Laura Dominguez - National Nurses Organizing Committee, Texas
Mark Dudzic - Labor Campaign for Single Payer
Oliver Fein, MD - Physicians for a National Health Program
Gerald Friedman - University of Massachusetts - Amherst
Frances Gill - Democratic Socialists of America
Lindy Hern - University of Hawaii at Hilo
YuLing Koh Hsu - Campaign for New York Health
Geri Katz - Minnesota Nurses Association
Vinay Krishnan - Center for Popular Democracy
Judith Lerma - National Nurses Organizing Committee, Texas
Holly Miller - National Nurses United
Dan Noonan - Illinois Patient Advocate
Maribel Nunez - Inland Equity Partnership
Lisa Patrick-Mudd - Single Payer Now
Mark Piotrowski - Tallahassee activist
Ursula Rozum - Campaign for New York Health
Ibrahima Sankare - UCLA Medical Center
Sofia Sepulveda - Texas Organizing Project
Bob Sisler - Retirees for Single Payer Health Care
Donna Smith - Progressive Democrats of America
Walter Tsou - Health Care for All Philadelphia
Rita Valenti - Healthcare-NOW! Georgia
Amy Vilela - Las Vegas activist
Cindy Young - J. Glynn & Company

Source URL: https://portside.org/2022-03-03/tidbits-march-3-2022-reader-comments-war-ukraine-portside-readers-respond-numerous