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Heine’s Heartmobile

Michael Hofmann New York Review of Books
The liveliness and invention of Heinrich Heine’s writing changed 19th century German literature for the better. Poet, writer, literary critic, satirist and ironist, but banned in his homeland and expatriated to Paris, he was well appreciated by Marx


Lou-Andres Salomé vs. The Patriarchy

Michael Hirsch The Indypendent
The German philosopher insisted on being the master of her own fate even as she inflamed the hearts and minds of some of the late 19th and earl 20th Century’s greatest thinkers. The real question posed by the film: what is freedom in a class-ridden society?


Political Revolutionaries, International Conspiracies, and the Fearful, Frenzied Elites

Andrew Benedict-Nelson Los Angeles Review of Books
Repression visited on social movements by conservative ruling elites has always been accompanied by a heavy dose of paranoia on the part of both the upper classes and their supporters. Adam Zamoyski has written a new history of this phenomenon, showing how it was a staple of early 19th Century European politics. In this review, Andrew Benedict-Nelson takes a look at this entertaining and intriguing story.
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