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Learning From the Courage of the Civil Rights Movement

Jeanne Theoharis Jacobin
Many on the Left are wondering what to do against the Trump administration’s vicious assaults on workers, immigrants, and free speech. We can look to US civil rights activists, who kept taking great risks even after demoralizing setbacks.

This Week in People’s History, Mar 19–25

1935 newspaper with headline Harlem Uprising Reveals Misery
Rioters in Harlem Win Concessions (1935), A Big Win for White-Collar Strikers (2000), A Century of Classroom Censorship (1925), Witch-Hunt Targets Get a Very Belated Apology (1980), The Long Road from Selma (1965)

Don’t Wait Out Four Hard Years: Speak Truth to Power

Arthur Caplan Nature
These are dangerous times. Scientists globally must stand together for sound science and resist bigotry, bias and hate. To honor one of its core values — a commitment to the truth wherever it might lead — scientists must stand up when DEI matters.

We Can Organize Amazon, but Only if We Understand It

Stephen Maher and Scott Aquanno, Benjamin Y. Fong and Scott Jenkins Jacobin
Organizing Amazon workers is both an existential challenge and an opportunity for labor. But the company’s cash advantages and operational flexibility mean that traditional union tactics won’t be enough. We need strategies that combine disruption and