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Cori Bush, Activist-Politician, Still Inspires Working People Like Me

India Walton Progressive Hub
Rep. Cori Bush is the first line of defense for working-class people and the most vulnerable members of our community. We need her in Congress because we need people to represent us all, people with a moral compass who will stand up to big money.

Zionism: The End of an Illusion

Richard E. Rubenstein CounterPunch
Zionism as currently defined connotes Jewish supremacy in Israel, Israeli supremacy in Palestine, and American supremacy in the region.

On Thin Ice

Anne Gruner New Verse News
The poets says doomsday: climate heat is serious business, coming sooner than you think.

Friday Nite Videos | July 19, 2024

The GOP Wants Us To Forget. Delta's Illegal Union-Busting Habit. The Project 2025 Song. We Need to Rethink Exercise – The Workout Paradox. How Cults Use Language to Control | Otherwords.


The GOP Wants Us To Forget

Donald Trump accepts the GOP nomination in a rambling speech, following Hulk Hogan and Kid Rock


Delta's Illegal Union-Busting Habit

Delta cargo workers move thousands of pounds each day, in brutal heat and bitter cold, for low wages with little time off. Now they’re on the verge of a historic union victory.


The Project 2025 Song

After hearing Kevin Roberts of the right-wing Heritage Foundation talk about their Project 2025 plans for America, Mangy Fetlocks feared they might have a public relations problem