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This Week in People’s History, Feb 5–11, 2025

Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis. Philly Garment Workers Shut It Down. From Bad to Worse for Unions. Hollywood Gives Racism a Big Boost. “Are You Now or Have You Ever Been . . .” Petition Denied, But Not for Long.

Eat Less Beef. Eat More Ostrich?

Sarah Zhang The Atlantic
Ostrich is touted as a more sustainable red meat that tastes just like beef.
The truth is, greenhouse-gas emissions from food are sensitive to the exact mode of production, which vary country to country, region to region, and even farm to farm. And any analysis is only as good as the quality of the data that go into it.

Trump’s New Jim Crow

Bill Mosley Outside the Box
DEI is not a conspiracy to make white people feel bad about themselves; it’s a society-wide effort to combat past discrimination against everyone who is not a white, straight, able-bodied male. For Trump, that is the problem.