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The GOP Wants Us To Forget

Donald Trump accepts the GOP nomination in a rambling speech, following Hulk Hogan and Kid Rock


Delta's Illegal Union-Busting Habit

Delta cargo workers move thousands of pounds each day, in brutal heat and bitter cold, for low wages with little time off. Now they’re on the verge of a historic union victory.


The Project 2025 Song

After hearing Kevin Roberts of the right-wing Heritage Foundation talk about their Project 2025 plans for America, Mangy Fetlocks feared they might have a public relations problem

Believe Your Own Eyes

Tyler Austin Harper The Atlantic
We are asked to believe that the debate was just one bad night, that presidents can have 90-minute stretches of befuddlement. We are asked to believe that this will not happen again. We are asked not to believe our own instincts, our own senses.

Long COVID Puzzle Pieces Are Falling Into Place

Ziyad Al-Aly The Conversation
Important progress is being made in understanding the pathways by which long COVID wreaks havoc on the body. Studies suggest that an abnormal immune response may underlie long COVID. Removing these antibodies may hold promise as a treatment.