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Tidbits – July 4th – Reader Comments: No One Is Above the Law; About the Debate; Election 2024: A Chess Move, Not a Valentine; Israeli Army Reservists Refusing To Serve; Debra E. Bernhardt Labor Journalism Prize – How To Apply; Cartoons; More…

Reader Comments: No One Is Above The Law; About the Debate; Election 2024: A Chess Move, Not a Valentine; Israeli Army Reservists Refusing to Serve; U.S. Government Officials who have Resigned; Debra E. Bernhardt Labor Journalism Prize - How to Apply

Tidbits – June 27 – Reader Comments: Trump Worked To Destroy Unions; Remembering Troublemakers-Frank Emspak, Conn Hallinan; AFL-CIO Union Organizer Program; Rethinking the Elections: MAGA Threat and Challenges Facing Progressives and Union Activists;

Reader Comments: Trump Worked to Destroy Unions; Remembering Troublemakers - Frank Emspak ,Conn Hallinan; AFL-CIO Union Organizer Apprenticeship Program; Rethinking the Elections: MAGA Threat and Challenges Facing Progressives and Union Activists;

Tidbits – June 20 – Reader Comments: Campaign Biden Needs To Wage Against MAGA Trump Fascists; UN Commission Finds Israel Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity; Denmark’s Euro Football Squad Refused Pay Raise To Ensure Women’s Team Receives Equal Pay;

Reader Comments: Campaign Biden Needs to Wage Against MAGA Trump Fascists; UN Commission Finds Israel Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity; Denmark’s Euro Football Squad Refused Pay Raise to Ensure Women’s Team Receives Equal Pay; Cartoons; more....

What Did We Know – and When Did We Know It?

Rebecca Gordon TomDispatch
This capacity to predict the future is beginning to feel a bit déjà-vu-ish. It’s not too hard to foresee the approaching catastrophe in Gaza. In our presidential election, we are facing the potential elevation of a genuine instrument of fascism.

Tidbits – June 13 – Reader Comments: Billionaires Captured Trump; Criminalization of Solidarity; Slippery Slope to World War III?; Pride Month Event – Telling the Stories of Lincoln Brigade LGBTQ Volunteers; Cartoons; More…

Reader Comments: Billionaires Captured Trump; Criminalization of Solidarity; Slippery Slope to World War III?; One Nation Not Rolling Out Red Carpet for the Rich; Pride Month Event - Telling the stories of Lincoln Brigade LGBTQ Volunteers; more...

The Billionaires Have Captured Donald Trump

Alex Shephard The New Republic
Desperate to avoid prison—and needing cash to win reelection, so he can pardon himself—Trump is selling his administration’s domestic and foreign policy to the highest bidder. He is traveling from billionaire to billionaire, with hat in hand....
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