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New AFL-CIO Guide on Project 2025

Brett Wilkins CommonDreams
"A second Trump term would put everything we've fought for—good jobs, fair wages, healthcare, retirement security, worker safety—on the chopping block," said AFL-CIO president Liz Shuler.

Tidbits – June 27 – Reader Comments: Trump Worked To Destroy Unions; Remembering Troublemakers-Frank Emspak, Conn Hallinan; AFL-CIO Union Organizer Program; Rethinking the Elections: MAGA Threat and Challenges Facing Progressives and Union Activists;

Reader Comments: Trump Worked to Destroy Unions; Remembering Troublemakers - Frank Emspak ,Conn Hallinan; AFL-CIO Union Organizer Apprenticeship Program; Rethinking the Elections: MAGA Threat and Challenges Facing Progressives and Union Activists;

Left Unions Were Repressed Because They Threatened Capital

Victor G. Devinatz Jacobin
During the 20th century’s two red scares in US and Canada, Wobblies and Communist-aligned unions faced fierce repression from employers and government. They were targeted because they were seen as posing a real threat to the capitalist social order.


At MLK Conference, Unionists Strategize on Organizing the South

Mark Gruenberg People's world
Unionists at the AFL-CIO’s annual Martin Luther King conference, held January 12-14 in Montgomery, Ala., tackled what one panelist called a decades-long problem for the labor movement: Organizing the South.

Ambition, Yall – Everyone Please Get on UAW’s Level

Hamilton Nolan How Things Work
Modest goals won’t get us where we need to go. We need to think big. The labor movement needs, before anything, genuine ambition for a new America...We need labor leaders who see their jobs as climbing mountains no matter how high they are.


Union and Queer

Jim Grossfeld The American Prospect
The growing solidarity between unions and the LGBTQ+ community is key component of the revitalization of the labor movement.
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