If America’s leaders prioritized the lives of all those who live between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, it would become clear that asking if Israel has a right to exist is the wrong question.
World Jewish Congress president called Trump a 'proven ally', while the ADL's CEO said he looked forward to working with Trump and all of Tuesday night's winner. However, not everyone struck a celebratory tone.
A member of Rabbis for Ceasefire explains why they interrupted the UN General Assembly earlier this year. A January poll found 50% of U.S Jews supported a ceasefire, only 34% opposed it, and 63% of the general population then in favor of a ceasefire;
Reader Comments: 2024 Elections - The Debate, Young Voters; Not One Child; Israeli Protesters, Netanyahu Sabotages Hostage Deal; Remembering Michael Lerner; Govt Knew Ethel Rosenberg Not Spy Before Trial; Fight for School Integration; Announcements;
There’s one question that should guide nations — or you, — in deciding whether to recognize a Palestinian state: Will doing so bring Israel and Palestinians closer to peace, or not? Recognition will help ensure a strong future for the Jewish people.
“I can no longer in good conscience represent this administration amidst President Biden’s disastrous, continued support for Israel’s genocide in Gaza,” Greenberg Call, 27, wrote in her resignation letter. She attended Jewish day school....
Jewish activists who support the cause of the Palestinians will take particular interest in her growth from a girl who grew up in a traditional Jewish family, active in the young Zionist movement, to a fierce fighter for peace in the Middle East....
For the last decade or so, an ideological tremor has been unsettling American Jewish life. Since Oct. 7, it has become an earthquake. It concerns the relationship between liberalism and Zionism....
My research shows this tradition runs deep. The American Jewish establishment did not always view anti-Zionism as inherently antisemitic. Some Jewish community leaders considered themselves “non-Zionist” until years after Israel’s founding.
Anti-war Jewish Americans are urging U.S. leaders to call for a ceasefire. A progressive wing of American Judaism has gained prominence, one defined by mass mobilization against the Israeli government's unrelenting bombing in Gaza.
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