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Is the Orca Uprising Upon Us?

Orcas attack boats off the coast of Spain. The first battle in an interspecies war? Probably not, but it's a pretty neat look into how trends come and go in orca pods.

Friday Nite Videos | June 28, 2019

The Investigation: A Search for the Truth in Ten Acts. Prophets Of Rage | Made With Hate. The Amazing Brains and Morphing Skin of Octopuses. AOC, Tiffany Cabán and the Struggle for a People's DA in Queens. These Photos Ended Child Labor in the US.

The Amazing Brains and Morphing Skin of Octopuses and Other Cephalopods

Octopus, squid and cuttlefish have strange, massive, distributed brains. What do they do with all that neural power? Dive into the ocean with marine biologist Roger Hanlon, who shares astonishing footage of the camouflaging abilities of cephalopods, which can change their skin color and texture in a flash. Learn how their smart skin, and their ability to deploy it in sophisticated ways, could be evidence of an alternative form of intelligence -- and how it could lead to breakthroughs in AI, fabrics, cosmetics and beyond.

Nova Science: How Smart Are Dogs?

Neil deGrasse Tyson introduces us to an extraordinary border collie and other dogs that are changing our view of canine intelligence. 

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