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Is Denying the Nakba Antisemitism?

Peter Beinart The Beinart Notebook
If expelling people because they are different does indeed constitute “anti-semitism,” then the Nakba — in which roughly 750,000 Palestinians were either expelled from their homes by Israeli forces or fled constitutes a vast “antisemitic” atrocity.

The Long Game of White-Power Activists Isn’t Just About Violence

Kathleen Belew New York Times
It is impossible to separate replacement theory from its violent implications. The mainstreaming of replacement theory, whether through Tucker Carlson’s show or in Elise Stefanik’s campaign ads, will continue to have disastrous consequences.

The ADL is Not A Friend to Social Justice Movements

Donna Nevel Common Dreams
The ADL didn't utter a word of concern about the painstakingly detailed descriptions of Israel's apartheid system, nor an ounce of self-reflection about the organization's own unequivocal support for Israel's unjust and discriminatory system.

The Smearing of Emma Watson

Sut Jhally and Roger Waters Globetrotter / Independent Media Institute
Emma Watson is part of a fast-growing choir of decent like-minded people of good faith all over the world, united in the belief that all people, irrespective of their ethnicity or religion or nationality, must have inalienable human rights...
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