Susan Reverby’s riveting biography of Alan Berkman is a magnificent book. Berkman was imprisoned in the 60s, convicted for his political work. On regaining his freedom he devoted his life to public health and helping those the system abandoned.
Loot the labor and very being of people of African descent. When they rise in response, resist, and give as little as possible. Then wait for things to “calm down” and take back as much as possible.
While he had not been involved in the civil rights movement or any other 1960s-era protest movements, Eurquhart developed sharp political views during his time in the military.
Vietnam is building on the internationalist traditions of Ho Chi Minh. True patriotism, is quite different from narrow, selfish nationalism - it should always respect the rights and interests of other nations without harming common interests...
Reader Comments: May Day Actions, Celebrations; Toll on Healthcare and All Essential Workers; Trump and Meat Plants; Back-to-Work and Death; Cuomo Power Grab; Cuban Healthcare Workers; Unequal Burden of Covid-19; Earth Day @50; lots of announcements
“Tin soldiers and Nixon’s coming, We’re finally on our own. This summer, I hear the drummin’ Four dead in O-hi-o…” --“Ohio” (1970) Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
Reader Comments: Trump Betrays Workers; Bernie, Bloomberg, Labor, Nevada Outcome and Culinary Workers; Trump Torture of Immigrants; The Value of Portside - Why So Few Contribute; Resources; Announcements; and more .....
Reader Comments: Finnish Govt Calls for 4-Day-Week; 2020 elections; Medicare for All; Britain's Labour Party; Du Bois and the Jefferson School; Racism 2019; Jews in Iran; Watchmen; Renewable Energy; Anti-War Films On-line; Today in History; more...
United for Justice and Peace
United for Justice and Peace
November 11 was proclaimed Armistice Day after World War I. But during the Korean War, the Congress rebranded it “Veterans Day” and turned the meaning on its head.
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