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Elon Musk Is South African. We Shouldn’t Forget It.

William Shoki New York Times
Discussion of Mr. Musk often misses something: He is a white South African, part of a demographic that for centuries sat atop a racial hierarchy maintained by violent colonial rule. That history matters. He is in fact a distinctly ideological figure.

Make Apartheid Great Again?

Zeb Larson, William Minter Foreign Policy in Focuss
Trump's actions signal need to understand global history of white supremacy. His executive order "human rights violations occurring in South Africa" echo a long history of support for racism in Southern Africa, for apartheid South Africa and Rhodesia

Jimmy Carter Was Right About Israel’s Apartheid

Seraj Assi Jacobin
No US president has ever been willing to call the system imposed by Israel on the Palestinians what it is: apartheid. Except Jimmy Carter. Jimmy Carter was a champion of peace who also foresaw the perils of apartheid in Palestine.

Palestinians Are Souring on Hamas – and They Want an End to the War

Dahlia Scheindlin Haaretz
There's the bad news – apocalyptic destruction in Gaza, rampant poverty, utter despair about the Palestinian Authority–and there's more bad news: Over half of Palestinians still back the October 7 attack. Recent polls show that's not the whole story.

Israeli Ethnic Cleansing Nears Completion in Northern Gaza

Paul R. Pillar Responsible Statecraft
An IDF general admitted that their goal was to expel residents and provide no options for return. Netanyahu’s cabinet changes means he is content to remain reliant not only on the ultra-Orthodox parties, but also extremists, such as Itamar Ben-Gvir.

Is This Israel’s First Apartheid War?

Oren Yiftachel 972 Magazine
Far from lacking a political strategy, Israel is fighting to reinforce the supremacist project it has built for decades between the river and the sea.

The US Diplomatic Strategy on Israel and Gaza Is Not Working

Daniel Levy The Guardian
US policies strengthen Benjamin Netanyahu – whose political preference in the short term is an open-ended war, not a deal. Netanyahu is a loose cannon, which Kamala Harris should have no interest in reloading 10 weeks out from an election.
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