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Evelyn Hutchins

Peter Neil Carroll Sketches From Spain: Homage to the Abraham Lincoln Brigade
Saturday May 4 the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives (ALBA) honors the memory of the US volunteers of the Spanish Civil War by awarding the ALBA-Puffin Human Rights Award to “18by Vote.”

Salaria Kea

Peter Neil Carroll Sketches From Spain: Homage to the Abraham Lincoln Brigade
The only African American woman to serve in the Spanish Civil War, nurse Salaria Kea fought racism all of her life.

Iowa Requiem, 2018

Peter Neil Carroll
Peter Carroll’s visit to Perry, Iowa gives no warning of sudden violence that occurred there this week, except for feelings of despair that might afflict a troubled young man with nowhere to go.


Peter Neil Carroll Cultural Daily
There’s more than a little irony in Peter Carroll’s poem about a woman who has been imprisoned for over 20 years being “free to start over.”


Peter Neil Carroll This Land, These People: The 50 States
Approaching the 3rd anniversary of the murder of George Floyd, the crisis of race relations remains contested ground, even in liberal states like Minnesota.

The Americans

Peter Neil Carroll Amsterday Quarterly
Thanksgiving Day is surely an American holiday, even for some subversives who defy the US government--at least on TV!

Before Roe

Peter Neil Carroll
They say you can’t go home again, but the Supreme Court says otherwise. Peter Neil Carroll’s Before Roe offers a glimpse of “normal” from the bad old days.

The Spectrum

Peter Neil Carroll New Verse News
Peter N Carroll asks: What can a private citizen do when one country invades another, say Russia into Kyiv? What are the choices of intervention?

Christmas Comes

Peter Neil Carroll
For Pagans and other Non-Christians, the holiday spirit can mean helping the hungry and homeless, and remember to wear a mask.

On the Fourth Wednesday of November

Peter Neil Carroll
By silent agreement, I watch two women—one white, one black—honor a personal transaction.