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How Many Die From Medical Mistakes in U.S. Hospitals?

Marshall Allen ProPublica
An updated estimate says it could be at least 210,000 patients a year – more than twice the number in the Institute of Medicine’s frequently quoted report, “To Err is Human.”

Millions Flee Obamacare

Andy Borowitz The New Yorker
Millions of Tea Party loyalists flee the United States, seeking “the American dream of liberty from health care.”

Friday Nite Videos -- October 4, 2013

Shutstorm 2013: Bias on Bulls**t Mountain. Gimme Shelter | Playing for Change. Hijacking Prison Phone Calls for Profit. 100K Poets for Change. The Joy of Teaching -- Office Hours. Victor Jara's Last Song.

Tidbits - October 3, 2013

Reader Comments: Eliseo Medina and UFW; American Exceptionalism; Income Gap;Atomic Bomb Near Mishap; Walmart; Govt Shutdown; Syria & Peace movement; South Africa; Iran; Prisons for Profit graphic; Announcements - National Teach-In on Syria -Oct 8; Che Guevara Assassination - Bay Area-Oct 19; Support CUNY Students; Organizing Boot Camps-United Students Against Sweatshops; Economic Bill of Rights for the 21st Century - New York-Oct 18; Job Opening at In These Times