Recent outbreaks of bird flu – in US dairy herds, poultry farms in Australia and elsewhere, and isolated cases in humans – have raised the issue of food safety.
Disinformation and innuendo are weaponized. “Intruders” abound as well, even if they no longer need to take the Greyhound to the backwoods. Today’s agitators work through social media and podcasts.
The history of African relations and investment governance with the North is far more disadvantageous than in the case of trade. Current international investment law regime protects and promotes the interests of the capital-exporting countries.
If the migrants of the world—all 281 million of them—lived in one country, then they would form the fourth largest country in the world. Yet, migrants receive few social protections and little respect.
“It was the tobacco companies, under pressure from the government over smoking, that bought the food industry. So it’s a similar playbook, except now they know to burn the internal memos saying: ‘We know this food is unhealthy.’”
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