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Who Is Behind Trump’s Intimidation of South Africa?

Max Du Preez Vrye Weekblad
Donald Trump's bizarre, fact-free threat against South Africa did not just arise in the back of his head last week. It is the initiative of alt-right ex-South Africans in America and like-minded people here (in South Africa) who are urging them on.

The Slow Suicide of the State of Israel

John Walbridge Informed Comment
The two-state solution is now impossible, made so by the foolish decisions of a series of Israeli governments to allow massive Jewish settlement in the West Bank and enabling by the United States of America.

A Plan for the Resistance

Harold Meyerson The American Prospect
Come April, it will be time to celebrate—and renew—America’s 1775 revolt against usurping monarchs.

What Happened Here

John Ganz Unpopular Front
In the process of accumulating enormous wealth, the tech-oligarchs created the conditions for their loss of social power and, when they realized this, they got a big dose of class consciousness and turned furiously reactionary.

Judges Curb Trump’s Sweeping Executive Actions

Ella Lee and Zach Schonfeld The Hill
Trump has signed dozens of executive actions since returning to the Oval Office last month, flooding the zone with orders and statements zigzagging through different policy areas.