Ty Jones Cox
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Protect and strengthen the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), our nation’s most important and effective anti-hunger program or cut future benefits for all SNAP participants and erode the adequacy of SNAP benefits over time?
Did you know that Gaza — well, Palestine — even has a national bird? The Palestine sunbird is a gorgeous creature, crowned in iridescent green and blue. “This bird is a symbol of freedom and movement, it can fly anywhere."
Colonialism Is Hard to Kill (in 1954), “It Was the Right Thing to Do” (1929), “Join, Or Die” (1754), Apartheid’s End (1994), Class War in the Midwest (1894), Unsafe at Any Speed (1969), “I Dreamed I Saw Joe Hill Last Night” (1949)
Pro-Palestine student protesters are being smeared as puppets of shadowy “outside agitators.” The presence of community members and experienced activists in the protests is nothing to be ashamed of: we need outside agitators to build a better world.
There is a coordinated, nationwide effort to roll back child labor laws, part of a broader campaign to concentrate even more power into the hands of employers.
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