April 25 -- marking the victory of the Resistance in Italy over Mussolini and German occupiers -- is the day we remember that the Constitution and anti-Fascism are a daily practice, not an occasional celebration.
The discovery of these mass graves “horrified” UN rights chief Volker Turk. But it has yet to prompt so strong a reaction from several major US news outlets.
"I will be as harsh as truth, and as uncompromising as justice," William Lloyd Garrison once said. "On this subject, I do not wish to think, or to speak, or write, with moderation."
Republicans are working overtime to say, "'Don't worry, pro-lifers, we have a secret plan for a national abortion ban' and then also say, 'Where did you get that idea, you crazy left?'”
The Arizona indictment raises a question. How is it possible that Trump’s two alter egos have been indicted but the former president — the ego in that equation — has not?
Just as the Wizard of Oz tried desperately to distract Dorothy and her friends, Trump and his lawyers are trying hard to keep the public from looking at the man behind the curtain.
Supreme Court Update: It's as Bad as You Think. Rainbow Connection (Donald Trump Song Parody). The Next Worker Uprising: Daimler Truck & Thomas Built. Wait! I Said DE-Escalate! Can AI Help Us Talk to Whales?
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