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Trump’s Russian Laundromat

Craig Unger The New Republic
How to use Trump Tower and other luxury high-rises to clean dirty money, run an international crime syndicate, and propel a failed real estate developer into the White House.

Thank Disability Rights and the Resistance

Jake Johnson Common Dreams
"Folks praising Murkowski, Collins, and McCain: I think you misspelled Hirono, ADAPT, and every activist resisting the Republican agenda."

Friday Nite Videos | July 28, 2017

Detroit | Movie. What Is The Shape of Space? Russian Mob Money Helped Build Trump Business Empire. Bernie Sanders: GOP Is Now A Right-Wing Extremist Party. Why White Supremacists Love Tucker Carlson.

Remembering Chief Albert Luthuli on the 50th Anniversary of his Death

Raymond Suttner Polity (South Africa)
One of the reasons why we need to recall Luthuli's life in this time of shameful and shameless greed is that he consciously emphasised what he called the "gospel of service". Even if the ANC chooses to neglect the memory and legacies of Luthuli we, the citizens of South Africa need to draw on these. Luthuli was the first non-racial leader in South Africa, the first African to have a following amongst whites.

Tidbits - July 27, 2017 - Reader Comments: Trumpcare: Play-by-Play from Planned Parenthood; Attempt to Outlaw BDS; Voter Fraud Bait & Switch; Globalization; If Capitalism Failed; Venezuela; Net Neutrality and Herbert Marcuse; CFPB done in your state?; and

Reader Comments: Trumpcare: What happens when - Play-by-Play from Planned Parenthood; Attempt to Outlaw BDS; Trump's Voter Fraud "Bait & Switch"; Clancy Sigal; Spicer bails; Globalization; If Capitalism Failed (we wish) - Greek workers find solution; Rosa Luxemburg; Yugoslavia's Socialism; Venezuela; Net Neutrality and Herbert Marcuse; High Noon remembered; New Website - What has the CFPB done in your state?

The Tortured Politics Behind the Persian Gulf Crisis

Conn Hallinan Foreign Policy in Focus
Saudi Arabia's puzzling effort to blacklist its tiny neighbor Qatar begs the question of who's really isolated in the Gulf. The attack on Qatar is part of Saudi Arabia’s aggressive new foreign policy that is being led by Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammed bin Salman. As Saudi Arabia’s “monarch in waiting,” Mohammed has launched a disastrous war in Yemen that’s killed more than 10,000 civilians and sparked a country-wide cholera epidemic there.

Let Black Kids Just Be Kids

Robin Bernstein New York Times
As long as white children are constructed as innocent, we must continue to demand that children of color are as well. The idea of childhood innocence carries so much political force, we can’t allow it to be a whites-only club. We argue that black and brown children are as innocent as white children, we assume that childhood innocence is purely positive. The idea of childhood innocence itself is not innocent: It’s part of a 200-year-old history of white supremacy.

South African Communist Party 14th Congress Discusses Future Role in National Politics

Abayomi Azikiwe News Ghana
Although advances for the South African people have been made under ANC leadership, continuing poverty and unemployment made worse by the recession and decline in the value of the Rand. The solution to our frustrations with the ANC will not be solved if the reasons that have led to the failure to assert working class hegemony within the tripartite alliance of ANC, COSATU and SACP is not accurately diagnosed. This was the question before the SACP Convention.