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The Spoils of War

Alex Kane The Indypendent
Israeli companies are making a killing off technology perfected over 50 years of occupation.

A Case for Reparations at the University of Chicago

Ashley Finigan, Caine Jordan, Guy Emerson Mount, Kai Parker Black Perspectives
Reparations promise us a monumental re-birthing of America. Like most births, this one will be painful. But the practice of reparations must continue until the world that slavery built is rolled up and a new order spread out in its place.

Too Young to Vote? The Science of Maturity

Dean Burnett The Guardian
The shock election result in Britain has been attributed to the youth vote, leading to claims that younger voters don’t/can’t understand the issues at stake. Are the concerns valid?

Miami Conference Signals Further Militarization of US Policy in Central America

Jake Johnston Center for Economic and Policy Research
It may be good for a few big corporations’ bottom lines, for the Pentagon’s relevance in the region, and for local security forces and their political patrons, but don’t expect this militarized approach to development to solve the ongoing crises in Central America.

Unable to Afford Decent Housing? Welcome to the Club

Ijeoma Oluo The Guardian
Low-income people have been dealing with the U.S. housing crisis for decades; now the problem is working its way up the income ladder. Many who thought themselves comfortably ensconced in the so-called middle class are now confronting the prohibitive cost of housing. Decent housing is out of the reach of so many. And we need comprehensive housing reform, real living wages, and a reinvestment in the social safety net because it has been a crisis for so very long.

Summing Up the Summit

Ethan Young Portside
While the politics concentrated on issues rather than identity approaches, it was noteworthy, if not necessarily important in terms of political direction, that women and people of color taken together outnumbered white guys. This was due in part to the heavy involvement of organized nurses, and to the conveners' efforts to ensure diversity. Anyone expecting a gaggle of young, arrogant Bernie Bros would be in for a surprise.

Coalition Politics and the Fight for Socialism

Joseph M. Schwartz Democratic Socialists of America
We have to build our organization and not just show up for rallies. DSA will have to “walk on two legs,” sustaining mass opposition to the Trump administration and its red-state equivalents while building social movements for economic, gender, and racial justice that can spur electoral challenges to pro-corporate Democratic incumbents.