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Six Ways Trumpcare Makes Healthcare Worse (And One Way to Make It Better)

Labor for Single Payer Labor for Single Payer
The Affordable Care Act never really solved the healthcare crisis. It treated healthcare as a commodity allocated through market forces rather than as a public good and failed to address the profiteering at the core of our healthcare system, forcing it to use a series of confusing and convoluted mechanisms to expand heath insurance coverage and regulate health insurance providers.

The Golden State of Hate: California’s Extremist Roots Run Deep

Gabriel Thompson Capital and Main
Almost from the day Donald Trump announced his candidacy for the White House in 2015, California, along with the rest of the country, has experienced an uptick of reported hate and bias incidents. As Capital & Main’s new series reveals, most of these attacks have been directed at immigrants and people of color. But this is hardly new – the Golden State has a long history of violence and discrimination against nonwhites and the foreign born.

Communing with Dr. King on the 50th Anniversary of his Beyond Vietnam Speech

Howard Machtinger National Council of Elders
What follows is written in concert with the project initiated by the National Council of Elders on April 4, 2017: Time to Break Silence. Groups around the country will stage public readings of Martin Luther King’s Beyond Vietnam speech on its 50th anniversary. In confronting the deeply rooted racism, militarism and materialism of the United States, Dr. King described the United States as the greatest purveyor of violence in the world.

The Long History of Deportation Scare Tactics at the U.S.-Mexico Border

Cora Currier The Interept
The Trump administration’s first moves on immigration enforcement represent an unprecedented hard-line position, envisioning thousands of new agents, enlisting local police as immigration enforcers, making virtually anyone a priority for deportation, bypassing immigration courts, and, of course, ordering the construction of the infamous wall along the Mexican border. And then there is the president’s own rhetoric equating immigrants with criminals.

New Anti-Protesting Legislation: A Deeper Look

Traci Yoder National Lawyers Guild
Trump’s three executive orders on policing, the large number of state legislatures dominated by Republicans, the pro-policing and pro-business attitude of the current administration, and the constant and growing spontaneous demonstrations protesting Trump all combine to produce an atmosphere in which many powerful interests have a stake in suppressing mass dissent.

Federal Court Rules Three Texas Congressional Districts Illegally Drawn

Laurel Wamsley NPR
Nina Perales, vice president of litigation for MALDEF, explains that not only does the court's decision lay the groundwork for changes to the state's current redistricting plan, but it may also be a step toward Texas being ordered back under federal supervision of its elections, as a remedy for intentional discrimination in its redistricting plan.

Autopilot Economy Tracker

Economic Policy Institute
Benchmarks to beat in order to claim policy-driven improvements to American wages and employment

Profitable Companies, No Taxes: Here’s How They Did It

Patricia Cohen New York Times
Among the report’s key findings: 100 companies enjoyed at least one year in which their federal income tax was zero or less, 24 companies paid zero taxes in four out of eight years, 18 companies paid no federal income tax over the eight-year period, Collectively, the 258 corporations enjoyed $513 billion in tax breaks over the last eight years. More than half of those tax breaks, $277 billion, went to just 25 of the most profitable corporations.

19 Women Leading Math and Physics

Natalie Wolchover Quanta
Top women in mathematics and physics discuss how they got to where they are — and why there aren’t more of them.