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Percival Everett on American Fiction and Rewriting Huckleberry Finn

David Shariatmadari Guardian
‘I’d love a scathing review’ says novelist Percival Everett. His work triumphed at the Oscars, but he isn’t interested in acclaim. He talks to the Guardian about race, taking on Mark Twain and why there’s nothing worse than preaching to the choir.

Is This the End of Academic Freedom?

Paula Chakravartty and Vasuki Nesiah New York Times
Students and faculty members in solidarity with the Palestinian people have found the campus environment alarmingly constrained.

This Week in People’s History, Apr 9–15

Marian Anderson performing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial
New Deal Says Yes/No to Racism (1939), ¡Rachel Corrie, Presente!, Klan Sways A Jury (1964), The Ballot or the Bullet (1964), Jim Crow Shows Who's Boss (1944), If the Shoe of Inhumanity Fits, Wear It (1939), Big Win for Telephone Operators (1919)

Antitax Nation

David Cay Johnston The American Prospect
Michael Graetz’s new book explains how clever marketing duped America into shoveling more tax breaks to the wealthy and corporations.

Irremediable Defeat: On Israel’s Other Unwinnable War

Ramzy Baroud CounterPunch
The Israeli economy, according to recent data by the country’s Central Bureau of Statistics, has shrunk by over 20 percent in the fourth quarter of 2023. Moreover, the army is struggling, fighting an unwinnable war without realistic goals.

Sunday Science: Lucy’s World

Ann Gibbons Science
Fifty years after her discovery, the 3.2-million-year-old fossil still reigns as mother of us all. But she now has rivals

US Politics Since the Gaza Crisis

Paul Garver Chartist
The Democratic Party cannot ignore its need for hundreds of thousands of active campaigners to turn out younger and lower income urban voters in general elections. US complicity in Gaza imperils the enthusiasm and commitment needed to defeat MAGA.