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The Class Struggle in Silicon Valley

Cory Doctorow Project Syndicate
Deteriorating working conditions have led to a shift in perspective, sparking an unprecedented wave of worker activism.

A ‘Wary Faith’ in the Courts

Eric Foner New York Review
A groundbreaking new book demonstrates that even during the days of slavery, African Americans knew a lot more about legal principles than has been imagined.

Mexico Defends GM Corn Restrictions With Science

Timothy Wise Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP)
"If we win, we will challenge an entire model of production. It would be a huge achievement, setting an international standard. If our maize is defeated in its center of origin, we would see the same in other centers of origin for other crops."

But Really, Just File a Motion To Recuse Already

Joyce Vance Civil Discourse
Every federal judge is appointed by a president, and most of them go on to set aside the affiliations that got them there. But Cannon, at virtually every turn, has weighed in for Trump or against the government, despite what the law requires.

How Pregnancy Changes the Brain

Gina Jiménez Scientific American
A study of more than 100 new parents showed that pregnancy and birth cause changes in brain circuits that may be involved in empathy and bonding with the child

Shelby County Opened the Door to Modern-Day Poll Taxes

Michael Podhorzer Weekend Reading
Voter suppression is the modern-day version of poll taxes. The idea that there is an “acceptable” level of voter suppression is antithetical to what it means to live in a pluralistic democracy with equal voting rights for all.