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Friday Nite Videos -- June 3, 2016

Frederick Douglass vs Thomas Jefferson. Trump University Was Textbook Fraud. Gente-fied | Series Trailer. Prophets of Rage. Neanderthals Built Underground Structures.

Tidbits - June 2, 2016 - Reader Comments: Paul Krugman; Clinton Might Not Be...; Prisoners Sue Prisons; Shostakovich; Nestle Control Over Water; and more...

Reader Comments: Paul Krugman Was Wrong About the 1990s; Clinton Might Not Be the Nominee; Why It's Nearly Impossible for Prisoners to Sue Prisons - kudos from defense lawyers and prisoners; Why did Portside run the New Yorker piece on Donald Trump; If Shostakovich Were Alive - Why did Portside run the hatchet piece; Nestle Control Over Town's Water; Trump, Racism, Anti-Semitism and Catholic Universities; New York Studio Workers Need Your Support; and more...

The Desperate Plight of Petro-States - With a Busted Business Model, Oil Economies Head for the Unknown

Michael T. Klare Tom Dispatch
Petro-states are different from other countries because the fates of their governing institutions are so deeply woven into the boom-and-bust cycles of the international petroleum economy. Now, one thing is finally clear: the business model for these corporatized states is busted. The most basic assumption behind their operation -- that global oil demand will continue to outpace world petroleum supplies and ensure high prices into the foreseeable future -- no longer holds

Does the Democratic Party Platform Matter?; DNC Veoted Sanders Pick of Women Union Lader for Platform Committee

Robert Borosage; David Weigel
Platforms are,a statement of the accepted beliefs of the party assembled. For citizen movements, they are a measure of their progress in defining acceptable opinion. And ideas matter. A commitment to ending segregation or guaranteeing the right to vote. Equal rights for women. No first use of nuclear weapons. The DNC prevented Sanders from picking nurses leader RoseAnn DeMoro - the DNC had not wanted labor leaders on the platform drafting committee.

Why the Verizon Worker's Victory is A Big Deal

Sarah Jaffe The Progressive
Verizon workers went on strike one week before a competitive New York state primary in which a socialist is running. You had a credible national candidate for president on a nationally-televised debate calling out the CEO of a big corporation. That just does not happen very often. Given the current climate, Hillary Clinton made a big point of coming to our picket line the first day of the strike, Bill went to a picket line in Buffalo.

What's Next for Bernie Sanders's Grassroots Army?

D.D. Guttenplan The Nation
We simply can't afford to throw away the energy, the idealism, the thirst for justice that the Sanders campaign has revealed and revived. In the long run, that probably matters even more than who sits in the Oval Office. For the Democrats, the road to reconciliation is not obscure. Sanders is right to rail at our rigged system - but if the Democrats win in November thanks in part to his ideas and his voters, he'll be positioned to do something about it.

Left Retakes Kerala

Vijay Prashad Morning Star
The LDF, which comprises the Communist Party of India (Marxist), the Communist Party of India and nine other allied parties, gained over 20 extra seats over the 2011 election results in Kerala defeating the Congress Party and the ultra-right BJP. This was a victory to celebrate even though the Left Front continued to lose ground in West Bengal.

Clinton Might Not Be the Nominee

DOUGLAS E. SCHOEN The Wall Street Journal
A Sanders win in California would turbocharge the mounting Democratic unease about her viability.

Burning Tulsa: The Legacy of Black Dispossession

Linda Christensen Zinn Education Project
The term “race riot” does not adequately describe the events of May 31—June 1, 1921 in Greenwood, a black neighborhood in Tulsa, Oklahoma. On the 96th anniversary, it is worth remembering the legacy of Tulsa.