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Army Exalts Confederate Generals But Says Black Power Salute Inapt

Jason Dempsey Washington Post
West Point’s investigation of the 16 Black women cadets who posed in uniform with raised fists determined that while the cadets didn’t violate military regulations their gesture was “inappropriate.” The U.S. Army, which vigorously defends the naming of 10 of its bases after Confederate generals who fought against the U.S. to preserve slavery, will instruct the 16 Black cadets on how “a symbol or gesture that one group of people may find harmless may offend others.”

Israel Today, Germany Then

Uri Avnery gush-shalom
Ya'ir Golan, the deputy Chief of Staff of the Israeli army, made a speech on Holocaust Memorial Day. Some accuse him of comparing Israel to Nazi Germany in that speech. Nothing of the sort. He compared developments in Israel to the events that led to the disintegration of the Weimar Republic. And that is a valid comparison. Things happening in Israel, especially since the last election, bear a frightening similarity to those events.

The Fading Meaning of ‘GMO'

James Hamblin The Atlantic
The National Academy of Sciences is urging people to focus less on the process and more on the product.

Friday Nite Videos -- May 20, 2016

'America Was Never Great.' Bernie Sanders: 'Let the People In.' Wilmore vs Trump Impression-off. Pirates of the Caribbean (in Vietnam). Spiralling Global Temperatures.

Tidbits - May 19, 2016 - Reader Comments: Bernie, Hillary: A Test of Leadership; Nevada; White Workers; Israeli Nationalism; Brown vs. Topeka Anniversary; and more

Reader Comments: Hillary, Bernie - A Test of Leadership; Nevada Convention - What Really Happened; Burying the White Working Class; Do We Need a Socialist Think Tank?; Israeli General who Compared the Jewish State to Nazi-era Germany; Fracking - Pennsylvania Township Legalizes Civil Disobedience; Trump, Racism and the Left; Resources; Announcement: Brown at 62: School Segregation by Race, Poverty and State; Green Olive Tours - Ethiopia Sport & Culture Tour

The Life and Times of Karl Marx, in the words of Ronnie Kasrils

Ronnie Kasrils Daily Maverick (South Africa)
What fashioned Marx, Marxist theories and challenges faced in South Africa. Essential today is an international solidarity movement uniting the broad masses of people of all lands under the leadership of organized labor, of hand and brain, to stop the perfidious transnational corporations, their government tools, and capitalism's imperialist wars - towards a new internationalism of the working class, labor masses, and freedom loving people everywhere.

What Panama Papers Say - and Don't Say - About Trump

Kevin G. Hall, Franco Ordoñez and Vera Bergengruen McClatchy DC
The massive leak of documents known as the Panama Papers illustrates how Donald J. Trump and others seek to profit off his very name alone. The Trump name shows up on 3,540 of the leaked documents, many shedding light on what has become a business model. Trump's name doesn't appear as an owner of offshore accounts; some of his associates and business partners are also in the files.

A Brief History of the `Nakba' in Israel; Thousands of Irish Lie on Streets in Solidarity with Palestinians

Eitan Bronstein Aparicio; Instituto Manquehue Mondoweiss
This text describes the discourse on the Nakba - mostly the concept but also the historical event - in Israel. When did it appear? When did it decline and was repressed? What caused these changes? The attempt here is to describe historical moments, a periodization, from the founding of the state until today, in order to describe the relation to the term in each period and the changes it went through. Nakba Day - Solidarity actions across Ireland.

To Win in November, Hillary Clinton Will Need Bernie Sanders's Voters

D.D. Guttenplan The Nation
Still think the Democrats have this election locked up - and that between their 242-vote head start in the Electoral College, and Donald Trump's ongoing identity crisis, the only cloud on the horizon is whether or not the inevitable Republican meltdown is big enough to cost the GOP control of the House as well as the Senate? Well, think again. Just because the presidency looks like Hillary Clinton's to lose doesn't mean it can't be lost.