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Report from Honduras - Traveling in Honduras with Agricultural Missions, Inc.

Sarah S. Forth ¡Berta Cárceres Presente!
The government has not responded to repeated requests for an independent investigation of Berta's murder. Rather, they interrogated COPINH members repeatedly as suspects.. This outraged Marleny. "She was our mother, our sister! How could we turn against her!" Thousands turned out in Tegucigalpa on April 15 for a demonstration honoring Berta.

Toxic Teflon Chemical, C8, Found in Tap Water in Several States

Sharon Kelly Earth Island Journal
"It is clear that [C8] contamination is not a state problem or a regional problem," the governors of New York, Vermont and New Hampshire wrote in a March letter addressed to EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy, "it's a national problem that requires federal guidelines and a consistent, science-based approach."

Are Sanders and Fair Trade a Threat to the Global Poor?

David L. Wilson Monthly Review
The argument against Sanders is that the one "comparative advantage" poorer countries have is their supply of low-wage workers, so use of sweatshop labor to produce for export is the best way for these countries to expand their economies. And it works, global trade has been "the driving force behind historic declines in poverty," in Weissmann's words. Sanders' call for higher wages and better environmental standards stymies progress for these countries.

The Al-Qaeda Leader Who Wasn’t: The Shameful Ordeal of Abu Zubaydah

Rebecca Gordon TomDispatch
In a stunning piece on an unforgettable set of American crimes, TomDispatch regular Rebecca Gordon catches the nightmarish quality of those years, now largely buried, in the grim case of a single mistreated human being. It should make Americans shudder. She has also just published a new book, American Nuremberg: The U.S. Officials Who Should Stand Trial for Post-9/11 War Crimes, that couldn’t be more relevant.

Letter from Pakistan: Demanding Land Rights Is Not Terrorism

Farooq Tariq Portside
A massive repression of the most militant but peaceful peasant movement--the Anjman Mozareen Punjab (AMP)--is underway. Most of its leadership has been arrested under false anti-terrorist laws. Dozens are missing while over 50 remain behind bars.

Updating the Party: Cuba’s New (and Not So New) Leaders

William M. LeoGrande The World Post
Generational succession is high on the agenda of Cuba’s Communist Party leadership, still dominated at the highest level by “los historicos“ — the generation that fought together against the Batista dictatorship and founded the revolutionary regime.

The Life and Death of Daniel Berrigan

Rev. John Dear Common Dreams
Rev. Daniel Berrigan, the renowned anti-war activist, award-winning poet, author and Jesuit priest, who inspired religious opposition to the Vietnam war and later the U.S. nuclear weapons industry, died at age 94, just a week shy of his 95th birthday.