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Why I’m Ready to Get Arrested With Restaurant Workers

John Cavanagh
From April 11 to 18, I’ll be joining thousands of people from all walks of life – from workers to environmentalists to the just plain angry – who will descend on Capitol Hill in waves to risk arrest and offer a primal scream for democracy.

Bernie, Hillary, and Fractivism 2.0 in NY

Ari Phillips Fusion
Since NY has banned fracking, a lot of people are working to try and develop clean energy at the state, county, and local levels. These efforts together are known as “fractivism 2.0.” “They’re trying to prevent the country and the planet from digging their own graves by committing ourselves to another 50 or 100 years of burning fossil fuels.”

Friday Nite Videos -- April 8, 2016

Was Hillary Influenced by Bankers? Elizabeth Warren Answers. Crosby Stills Nash & Young | Teach Your Children. Samantha Bee | Team Cruz. Rachel Maddow Interviews Jane Sanders. Panama Papers: Shadow Economy for the World's Elites.

Tidbits - April 7, 2016 - Reader Comments: Bernie - Jewish Secular Values; Long Legs of Bernie's Army; 2016 - not 1968 or 1932; John McCain: Salute to a Communist; Fidel's Message; and lots more...

Reader Comments: Bernie - Jewish Secular Values and what they represent; Long Legs of Bernie's Army; 2016 is not 1968 or 1932; John McCain: Salute to a Communist; Fidel's Message to Brother Obama; the Right Minimum Wage; Tech Workers and the Working Class; Israeli Minister Calls for 'Civil ' Targeted Killings of BDS Leaders - Azmi Bishara is No Enemy of the Israeli State; Military Leviathan and the Draft; Announcements: Washington, DC; Brooklyn; Berkeley; New York

The Critical Choices Facing Cuba Today

Paul Becker Portside
Among the accomplishments of the Cuban revolution have been the great strides made in the education of its entire people. Education is completely free from primary school through university. Cuba today has a literacy rate of over 96 percent, putting it at the top of all Latin America. But the struggling economy has not created the kind of economic opportunity that is commensurate with an educated population, particularly in the professions.

Updating Our Strategy: Revisiting the U.S. `Six Party System' Hypothesis

Carl Davidson Keep on Keepin' On
A strategic look at the U.S. political landscape shows how Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders would be able to pull together a majority electoral coalition. It also reveals why either might still be thwarted in pulling together an effective governing coalition in 2017, (assuming they are able to defeat Trump or Cruz). The far right has grown in strength and virulence, while the `regular' conservative right has grown in intransigence.

Successful Labor Struggles Celebrated at Labor Notes - No April Fooling; Labor for Bernie and Beyond

Judy Atkins; Dan La Botz
The speakers and the workshops at the Labor Notes conference celebrated labor's new potential both in fighting the boss and becoming more active in pro-worker electoral struggles. The 2,000 or more participants overfilled the Hilton Hotel and spread out into two other nearby venues. The young workers definitely outnumbered those with more seniority at these kind of events, and the diversity of participants was great. Special reports by Judy Atkins and Dan La Botz.

Bernie Sanders Adds to His Momentum With a Big Wisconsin Win

John Nichols The Nation
Bernie Sanders wins a battleground state by a 57-43 margin. The win in Wisconsin is huge, with Sanders winning seven of the last eight contests. The hope of Sanders and his supporters is that their momentum math will ultimately influence the delegate math, by cutting Clinton's pledged-delegate lead and convincing superdelegates to swing his way - as happened in 2008, when a number of superdelegates who were initially leaning toward Clinton ended up with Obama.

Obama Supreme Court Nomination: A Missed Opportunity

Bill Mosley The Washington Socialist
We should demand that the Senate respect the nominee of the President and give him a fair hearing and a vote But we should do more: we need an ongoing grassroots movement to pressure the White House to select judicial nominees – not only for the Supreme Court but all federal courts – who would bring to the courts a greater regard for social justice as well as more racial and gender diversity.