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What I Didn't Read in the TTIP Reading Room

Katja Kipping War on Want
The secrecy surrounding the text of TTIP is revealing. Anyone who wants to enhance environmental protection, consumer protection and labor standards would have nothing to fear from transparency. Anyone who’s engaged in selling out democracy, on the other hand, is obviously going to want to avoid public scrutiny.

Participatory Budgeting: A School for Citizenship

Ruth Needleman Portside
Canoas, Brazil Mayor Jairo Jorge recently published a book exhorting the left, in particular, but all progressives, to Radicalizar a Democracia: “We must engage citizens increasingly in . . . governments, giving them decision-making power over investments, public policies and strategic development projects at the city, state and national levels.”

Lesson Plan: Teaching With Protest Music

Studying the protest music of the past or present can be a powerful and engaging teaching tool for students, whether the goal is to better understand a historical time period, analyze the power of lyrics and poetry, understand forces of social change or respond to current issues.

Lesson Plan: Teaching With Protest Music

Studying the protest music of the past or present can be a powerful and engaging teaching tool for students, whether the goal is to better understand a historical time period, analyze the power of lyrics and poetry, understand forces of social change or respond to current issues.

New Hampshire: Populist Uprising

Robert Borosage Campaign for America's Future
The scope of Sanders victory took virtually all observers by surprise. He won on the issues. Democratic voters wanted to replace our health care system with a single payer system, are worried about the economy, consider inequality a major issue. He won on all those issues -- a stunning victory. For Sanders, the challenge now is clear: to introduce himself to African-American and Latino voters, whose support is essential for both the nomination and general election.

Feeling the Yern: Why One Millenial Woman Would Rather Go to Hell Than Vote For Hillary

Holly Wood The Village Voice
There seems to be no shortage of bizarrely sexist assumptions as to why I, a Millennial feminist, am not voting for Hillary Clinton. But speaking as a Millennial feminist, let me assure you: None of them is accurate. But the reason for my political disaffection is plain: There's no persuading me that the Democratic establishment — from where it sits now — has the capacity to represent me, or my values.

 What Do Cubans Think of Normalization With the United States?

 Sujatha Fernandes The Nation
Cubans are now divided on whether they think normalization is a good thing for Cuba. A younger generation desiring greater economic opportunities, as well as entrepreneurs, small-business owners, artists, and others well-placed to reap the benefits, have welcomed the changes. But many of the older Cubans I spoke with—particularly those who work in the state sector of the economy - now seemed to believe more firmly that normalization will have a negative impact.

Michael Moore's New Film Features Portugal's Groundbreaking Policy of Not Arresting People for Drug Use

Sharda Sekaran Drug Policy Alliance
Watching Moore’s film may be the first time many Americans get a bird’s eye view of Portugal’s groundbreaking approach to drug policy. It may also be the first time many of them see the prisons in Norway, where inmates are taught how to reintegrate into society by allowing them to live as much like normal people and as little like prisoners as possible. Kudos to Michael Moore for showing what’s possible when we shift from punishing people to finding ways to help them...