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The Bernie Sanders Political Revolution

Charles Lenchner Charles Lenchner
We need a political revolution of millions of people in this country who are prepared to stand up and say, enough is enough, Sanders argued. I want to help lead that effort. If you're interested in advancing the revolutionary potential of the Bernie Sanders campaign - please sign up with People for Bernie. Political revolution, here we come.

Palestinian Red Crescent Society Declares State of Emergency in the West Bank; Clashes Break Out Across West Bank; JVP Statement;Tel Aviv March

Annie Robbins; Allison Deger; Jewish Voice for Peace
Scores of Palestinians were injured in clashes across the West Bank and more than 200 were arrested in Jerusalem, after Israeli Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu announced Sunday he is running an all-out war against Palestinian terrorism. Palestinians protested Tuesday in a day of rage, Reports from Palestine, statement by Palestinian Red Crescent Society and Jewish Voice for Peace. Protest vigil in Tel Aviv against the occupation and escalation Oct. 9.

Doctors Without Borders: "Even War Has Rules"; Kunduz Fact Sheet

Jason Cone, Doctors Without Borders, USA Exec. Director Doctors Without Borders
Today we are fighting back for the respect of the Geneva Conventions. As a medical humanitarian organization, we are fighting back for the sake of our patients. We need you, as members of the public, to stand with us to insist that even wars have rules. This was not just an attack on our hospital-it was an attack on the Geneva Conventions. This cannot be tolerated. These Conventions govern the rules of war and were established to protect civilians in conflicts...

The (R)evolutionary Vision and Contagious Optimism of Grace Lee Boggs

Barbara Ransby In These Times
Grace Lee Boggs died yesterday at the age of 100. Boggs' love for humanity ran strong and deep, serving as a generative force for creating change. She was not a part of an elite intelligentsia. She lived in a modest little house on an even more modest income. She never held a tenured university job. She believed that ordinary people, not academics, had the power to understand their lives and to change the world with that understanding.

Owning Up to Failed 'War on Drugs,' DOJ To Release Wave of Nonviolent Offenders

Lauren McCauley Common Dreams
The decision to release 6,000 federal prisoners before the end of their sentence is a sign of the failure of the "war on drugs." But it’s no substitute for systemic reforms that cut off the cycle of mass incarceration. Congress still needs to pass comprehensive criminal justice reform," said Michael Collins, policy manager with the Drug Policy Alliance.

The Cult Of The Second Amendment

Ed Kilgore Talking Points Memo
According to the Cult of the Second Amendment, opponents of gun measures have every right to fire back, literally. There’s no point in progressives seeking any “compromise” with them on gun issues. They can only be defeated by a true mass social movement supporting reasonable gun regulation.

Piketty says "Tax the Rich"

Thomas Piketty AfricaFocus Bulletin
In a speech challenging both national and global inequality, with a particular focus on France and South Africa, economist Thomas Piketty concluded with calls for taxes on wealth, and a public global registry of financial assets to make that possible. The speech evoked a frenzy of comment - from praise to denunciations of Piketty's analysis as Marxist or alternately, unrealistic, to those who criticized him for having a flawed analysis that disregarded Marxist insights.

What You Should Know About That Completed TPP "Trade" Deal; The Trans-Pacific Free-Trade Charade

Dave Johnson; Joseph Stiglitz and Adam Hersh
The TPP is still secret and according to the terms in this year's fast-track legislation it will remain secret for 30 days after the president formally notifies Congress that he will sign it. That could be a while still, as the agreement's details need to be "ironed out." After that 30-day wait the full text has to be public for 60 days before Congress can vote. Expect a massive and massively funded corporate PR push. The biggest corporations very much want TPP.

What Arne Duncan Wrought

Jan Resseger Alternet
School policy ripped out of time and history: In many ways that is Arne Duncan’s gift to us. School policy focused on disparities in test scores instead of disparities in opportunity; a Department of Education obsessed with data-driven accountability for teachers but preferring “game-changing” innovation for itself and paying inadequate attention to oversight; ...