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Rival Political Movements Duel over the Future of Brazil

Marianna Olinger Waging Nonviolence
Recently the mainstream media has portrayed the political crisis in Brazil as a result of internal corruption and the lack of economic growth, which is blamed on the President Dilma Rousseff and the Workers’ Party. What is rarely mentioned, however, is that Brazil is experiencing a historical divide. Some Brazilians believe President Rousseff hasn’t followed the dictates of neoliberalism closely enough, while others argue the corporations have far too much power.

Ten Years Later: Katrina, Militarization and Climate Change

Nick Buxton and Ben Hayes OpenDemocracy
Two years after Katrina, in 2007, the Pentagon released its first major report on climate change, warning of an “age of consequences” in which “altruism and generosity would likely be blunted.” An EU security report followed which said climate change “threatens to overburden states and regions which are already fragile and conflict prone.” And soon, the national security strategies of the global north would be rewritten to offer the same dystopian vision.

Gen. Petraeus' Bright Idea: Arm Terrorists to Beat Terrorists

Trevor Timm The Guardian
The latest brilliant plan to curtail Isis in the Middle East? Give weapons to members of al-Qaida. This week former ex-CIA director Gen. David Petraeus publicly broached what columnist Trevor Timm termed this “dangerous and crazy idea.” But, according to Timm, Petraeus is probably not the only one in Washington who thinks working with and arming members of the al-Nusra front in Syria is a good idea. It’s preposterous, but that doesn’t mean they won’t try it.

US Supreme Court Called to Act on Extreme Anti-Choice Laws

Deirdre Fulton Common Dreams
A coalition of reproductive rights groups and healthcare providers filed a formal request Thursday for the U.S. Supreme Court to permanently block enforcement of key provisions in Texas’ extreme anti-choice law. "Without the Court's intervention, the impact on Texas women will be immediate and devastating," says the Center for Reproductive Rights. Women’s health groups say if the law is allowed to go into effect 31 of the 41 women’s clinics in Texas will be closed.

KY County Issues Same-Sex Marriage Licenses After Kim Davis Is Jailed

Jaime Fuller NY Mag
The Rowan County, KY, clerk's office issued a marriage license to Will Smith and James Yates this morning. Five of the six deputy clerks in the office say they will comply with the court order to give out licenses while county clerk Kim Davis is in jail. Kim Davis' husband Joe, meanwhile, remains defiant. “Just because five Supreme Court judges make a ruling, it’s not a law," he said.

Why People Keep Seeing Aliens in the Pictures from the Mars Rover

Skinny Friedman Vice
Some people have a tendency to believe more; if you have tons of experience with pictures of the Virgin Mary, there's a greater likelihood that those higher parts of your visual system are going to match up the arbitrary stuff you're seeing to the template of the Virgin Mary you have in your brain.

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: This is the Difference Between Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Washington Post
Trump's attempts to bully the press to silence criticism of him is anti-American. He's followed up this salvo on the First Amendment with a strike at the 14th Amendment, asserting that he’d like to deny those born in the country their citizenship. The biggest enemy to the principles of the Constitution right now is Trump. No one has to twist his words because what he says is twisted enough. He speaks fluent pretzel.

The GOP's Problem Is Not Donald Trump: It's Their Voters

David Corn Mother Jones
The anti-immigrant, anti-Obama, anti-establishment sentiment that Trump is tapping runs deep within the Republican electorate. Many clearly see the president as a foreign-born secret Muslim with a clandestine plan to weaken, if not ruin, the United States and they have a dark, nearly apocalyptic view of Obama’s America. Voters this dissatisfied and this detached from reality will be looking for someone who can vent for them. Trump does that.

Friday Nite Videos -- September 4, 2015

Judy Collins -- Bread and Roses. How Wolves Change Rivers. Man With Arms Raised Killed by San Antonio Police. I Didn't Come From Your Rib (You Came From My Vagina). Police Recruitment Video Features Military-style Tactics.

Tidbits - September 3, 2015 - Unions and BDS; Farm worker Rebellion; Cornel West; Solidarity Confinement Victory; Drones in Dakota; lots of announcements...

Reader Comments: U.S. Trade Union Support for BDS; Pacific Coast Farm Worker Rebellion; Cornel West - Sanders, Trump and BLM; Selma - Site of National Dumping; North Dakota Legalizes Drone Strikes; Solidarity Confinement Victory in California; Israel, Iran; Sex Trade, Sex Workers and Amnesty International; Announcements: - New App for Worker Rights; Charleston, Chicago, Brooklyn, Bay Area, New York