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Tidbits - July 9, 2015 - Greek NO Vote; Ban the Flag; Dominican Republic Bans Haitians; the Nina Simone film; Culture and Cultural Workers; Hillary and Israel; and more...

Reader Comments: The Greek NO Vote; Argentina; Puerto Rico; Anti-Confederate Flag Flurry; Dominican Republic's Ethnic `Cleansing' of Haitians; Support the Iran Deal!; Nina Simone film; Culture and Cultural Workers; Hillary and Israel; Salon Staff to Unionize; Police are Killing Mentally Ill People; Add Your Name: The Charleston Imperative: Why Feminism & Antiracism Must Be Linked

Scott Walker's Budget Undermines Public Education, with Bull's-eye on Milwaukee

Bob Peterson Educate for Democracy
For Wisconsin's schools, Scott Walker's new budget is a blueprint for abandoning public education. In Milwaukee, in addition to insufficient funding, the budget includes a "takeover" plan that increases privatization and decreases democratic control of the city's public schools.

Why do People Believe Myths About the Confederacy? Because Our Textbooks and Monuments are Wrong

James W. Loewen Washington Post
False history marginalizes African Americans and makes us all dumber. The Confederates won with the pen (and the noose) what they could not win on the battlefield: the cause of white supremacy and the dominant understanding of what the war was all about. We are still digging ourselves out from under the misinformation they spread. When each state left the Union, they made clear they were seceding because they were for slavery.

What Was Good for Germany in 1953 is Good for Greece in 2015

Larry Elliott Economic editor The Guardian (UK)
Economic assistance under the Marshall plan was important to both countries, but it was the granting of debt relief that made a difference to the Germans. After World War II, Germany not only received direct transfers of money - aid through the Marshall plan. Far more important than the $1.4bn was the granting of debt relief at the London conference of 1953.

Why Bernie? What Should the Left Do? Views from Two Veteran Progressive Activists

David McReynolds; Ted Glick Portside
It would be very healthy for a democratic socialist to press the flesh, meet ordinary folks, let them see what a socialist looks like, what socialism stands for. Now we have a socialist doing that. Bernie Sanders is off and running, to huge and enthusiastic crowds. The campaign is sharpening the differences, functioning as a pole of attraction to bring together a mass popular alliance that is a key aspect of a strategy for taking power away from the corporate rulers...

15 Things Your City Can Do Right Now To End Police Brutality

Zak Cheney-Rice
How, besides protesting, can we actually make sure no more black people are killed, beaten or tortured by the police? And how can we promote justice and equity in law enforcement more generally? The Center for Popular Democracy and Policy Link have partnered with various protesters and street-level organizers to find some concrete solutions to this problem.

Solitary Confinement Isn't Punishment, It's Torture

Jasmine Heiss The Guardian
Albert Woodfox – who has the dubious honor of being the United States’ longest serving prisoner in solitary confinement – is just one of an estimated 80,000 people held in solitary confinement on any given day in the United States.

Innovative Toolkit Maps Israeli Violations in Gaza

Amnesty International
The Gaza Platform, launched by Amnesty International and Forensic Architecture, records the time and location of each attack on an interactive map and classifies it according to numerous criteria including type of attack, site struck and number of casualties to highlight patterns. The aim is to identify and publicize patterns which can help in the analysis of whether particular attacks constitute violations of international humanitarian law, including war crimes.