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Challenging American Exceptionalism

Marjorie Cohn Portside
It is not just the U.S. image that is suffering. Drone strikes create more enemies of the United States. While Faisal Shahzad was pleading guilty to trying to detonate a bomb in Times Square, he told the judge, “When the drones hit, they don’t see children.”

Supreme Court Right-Wingers Openly Hostile To Full Same-Sex Marriage Rights

Steven Rosenfeld Alternet
The reason that this case is so important is because it invites the Court to create a new legal landscape surrounding the constitutional rights to same-sex marriage—and protection from state laws that discriminate by treating same-sex couples unequally. Whatever the Court decides in its ruling expected this June will likely hold for many years—at least until the Court’s conservatives are replaced.

Communist Party, Turkey Runs 550-woman Ticket in Elections

Taylor Goel Liberation News
All 550 candidates of the Communist Party (CP), Turkey that will be running in the upcoming elections in June are women. According to a recent statement released by the CP, the reason for choosing all women candidates is not simply about the active participation of women in the political struggle but because it is only women who can represent the rebellion against a social order that thrives on murdering and humiliating them on a daily basis.

Free The Atlanta Teachers

Bill Shortell Portside
Another recent horrific injustice in the US is the jailing of African-American school teachers in Atlanta. There is widespread consternation on the Left, but little systemic analysis of this event. Every analyst finds it necessary to include the disclaimer "Of course they were wrong. They should have been fired."

Appeal for Democracy and Internationalism in Ukraine

Initiative Group for Democracy and Internationalism in Ukraine
Ukrainian anti-fascists are calling on people around the world to mark May 2 as a day of commemoration of those who were killed in the trade union building in Odessa.

U.S. Training Nazis in Ukraine Government Merger

Russ Bellant Portside
April 20 was Hitler's birthday, a day when in the past few years neo-Nazis around the world have engaged in terror attacks; and on April 20, 2015 the U.S. Army is officially beginning the training and integration of the Ukraine's neo-Nazi stormtroopers.

Regulating the Magic that is Homeopathy: The Sabotage of Poor Reporting and False Balance

Orac Science Blogs
Homeopathy is, as Steve Novella characterized it, an “excellent example of the purest form of pseudoscience,” and as I, more blunt that Steve, like to call it, “The One Quackery To Rule Them All.” Failing to make that clear in media coverage of homeopathy lets advocates of homeopathic quackery to label skeptics as “homeopathic naysayers” and claim that the current FDA regulatory framework for homeopathic products is working just fine.

In Stealth Move, Congress Backs Israeli Right's War on Settlement Boycotts

J.J. Goldberg Forward
The finance committees of the House and Senate have approved amendments to a trade bill (TTP) that equate boycotts of West Bank settlement products with boycotts of Israel, strengthening efforts by the Israeli right to silence opponents of West Bank settlements. A separate measure approved by the House panel as an amendment to the customs bill goes a step further and takes action against some foreign companies if they shun the settlements.