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Spotlight on Baltimore

Todd Cherkis Labor Notes
'The murder of Freddie Gray was like a boomerang,' says West Baltimore resident Randolph Ford, 'flipping the status quo around to where the unity of the people and the fight for social justice has strengthened.' Ford is a leader in United Workers, a Baltimore-area worker center. Through the Fair Development Campaign, our group and others in the labor movement here are calling for a new kind of development.

Why Libraries Matter More Than Ever in the Age of Google

Amien Essif Alternet
Of course, you don’t have to be homeless to use a library, but that’s the point. You don’t have to be anyone in particular to go inside and stay as long as you want, sit in its armchairs, read the news, write your dissertation, charge your phone, use the bathroom, check your email, find the address of a hotel or homeless shelter. Of all the institutions we have, both public and private, the public library is the truest democratic space.

This Is What Energy Democracy Looks Like

Asbjørn Wahl Trade Unions for Energy Democracy
Climate change is going on. Millions of people are losing their livelihood, their homes, their jobs – and many also their lives. Time is therefore ripe for a massive mobilisation of social forces from below to put pressure on our political leaders. Trade unions will have to play a decisive role in such a mobilization. It is a question on what kind of society we want to develop.

Venezuela: The Economic Battle

Laura Bécquer Paseiro Granma (Cuba)
Inflation, devaluation of the local currency and falling oil prices have marked the Venezuelan economy in recent years. To better understand the situation, Granma interviewed Alfredo Serrano Mancilla, PhD Economist, director of the Latin American Strategic Center of Geopolitics (CELAG), and author of the book, The Economic Thought of Hugo Chávez.

California Tenants Renting from Wall Street Landlords

Tenants Together
Many American renters are already extremely burdened when it comes to housing costs, with about 25% nationally paying more than half their monthly income toward housing. On May 12th 2015 Tenants Together released a report on the experience of tenants renting single-family homes from the three biggest Wall Street landlords in California: Blackstone/Invitation Homes, Waypoint Homes, and Colony American Homes.

Municipal Recipes

Guerrilla Translation
Exciting video with English captions from 15M Movement in Spain with lessons for USA activists.

Immigrant Workers: Strengths for Unions

David Bacon The Stansbury Forum
Justice for Janitors posting response: Many of the janitors and leaders who fought in Century City were the Central American immigrants coming into LA from the wars. Their experience in their home countries was very important in their willingness to fight, and the use of the tactics of mass demonstrations and even CD in the street. They’re one of the best examples of the way migration, for all the pain it causes migrants, has benefited our labor movement enormously.

Piety and Politics in America

Susan Jacoby The American Prospect
The tension between religiosity and secular government goes back to the nation’s founding.

Don’t Blame the Poor for the Faults of Our Economy

Alyssa Davis Economic Policy Institute
Despite our growing economy and the fact that poor workers are now more educated than ever, rising inequality has worked to keep low-income people in poverty. This increase in inequality was driven by stagnating wages for low- and middle-income households. Since 1979 increasing inequality has been the largest poverty-boosting factor, outweighing racial identity and family structure and completely eclipsing the effects of overall economic growth and educational attainment