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Growers Move to Gut California's Farm Labor Law

David Bacon Capital and Main
Hundreds marched to the Los Angeles City Council last October, to support a resolution supporting a farm worker union fight. Hardly anyone had heard of the company involved. Gerawan Farming, one of the country's largest growers, with 5,000 people picking grapes and peaches, is challenging the California law that makes farm workers' union rights enforceable. Lining up behind Gerawan are national anti-union think tanks. A local struggle now has much higher stakes.

Reparations and a Conversation about America's Redemption

Allie Yee The Institute for Southern Studies
Students, faculty and community members packed into a basement classroom at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina recently for a panel discussion on reparations and the moral debt the U.S. owes African Americans for centuries of discrimination, exploitation and oppression.

Workers Making Nike and Adidas Shoes in Vietnam: Strike!

The Guardian UK
Guardian is WRONG! Just after media reports, Vietnamese General Confederation of Labor (VGCL) affiliated union members successfully ended the strike. Vietnam unions play an official role to formulate, vote and implement labor policy and other policies via Communist Party, National Assembly, regional/local government and state agencies as well as negotiate workplace contracts. This successful strike resulted in improved interpretations of social insurance policy.

Will the Senate Kill the Iran Deal and Take Us Into Another War?

The GOP (with aid from some hawkish Democrats) is intent on killing any possibility of a final agreement with Iran on its nuclear program. They hope to put together a veto-proof majority to pass the Nuclear Agreement Review Act - S.615, introduced by Senators Bob Corker (R-TN) and Robert Menendez (D-NJ), that will torpedo any agreement reached with Iran. Take Action Now!

Castro Remarks at the Summit of the Americas

Raul Castro Ruz National Network on Cuba
Key Remarks By Army General Raul Castro Ruz, President of the State Council and the Council Of Ministers of the Republic of Cuba, at the 7th Summit of the Americas, Panama City, Panama, April 10-11, 2015

George RR Martin Says Rightwing Lobby Has 'Broken' Hugo Awards

Alison Flood The Guardian
The shortlists for the long-running American genre awards, won in the past by names from Kurt Vonnegut to Ursula K Le Guin and voted for by fans, were announced this weekend to uproar in the science fiction community, after it emerged that the line-up corresponded closely with the slates of titles backed by certain conservative writers.

As Encryption Spreads, U.S. Grapples With Clash Between Privacy, Security

Ellen Nakashima and Barton Gellman Washington Post
“I don’t believe that law enforcement has an absolute right to gain access to every way in which two people may choose to communicate,” said Marc Zwillinger, “And I don’t think our Founding Fathers would think so, either. The fact that the Constitution offers a process for obtaining a search warrant where there is probable cause is not support for the notion that it should be illegal to make an unbreakable lock. These are two distinct concepts.”

Chicago Progressives’ Mixed Results Against the ‘Money Machine’

David Moberg In These Times
Even as class appears to play a bigger role in Chicago politics, racial, ethnic and other identities will impact elections as long as keep impacting everyday life. But campaigns like those for Garcia and for many of the council members are already forging a shared progressive politics.