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Justice Dept. Review Finds Pattern of Racial Bias Among Ferguson Police

Sori Horwitz The Washington Post
The Justice Department will issue findings Wednesday that accuse the police department in Ferguson, Mo., of racial bias. “If the report of the Department of Justice findings are accurate, then it will confirm what Michael Brown’s family has believed all along, and that is that the tragic killing of their unarmed teenage son was part of a systemic pattern of policing of African American citizens in Ferguson,” said Benjamin Crump, the attorney for Brown’s family.

Netanyahu's Speech: Mansplaining Iran to Obama

David Corn Mother Jones
Netanyahu's main mission was to advance his extremist stance—and undermine Obama's attempt to reach an agreement with Iran. He contended that Iran is bent on destroying Israel and "the Jewish people."

The Bitter Wisconsin Cold Warmed by a Moscow Breeze

Paul Buhle Counterpunch
It’s been a harsh several weeks in Madison, Wisconsin for demonstrators against the governor and legislature, worse for the Progressive Era reforms being swiftly eliminated, one after the other. For those who aren’t following life in the Flyover regions, Right To Work passed the state Senate and is moving on to the Assembly, this coming week. With Republicans in charge, passage is all but certain.

Mend the Gap: 10 Steps Toward a More Equal California

Judith Lewis Mernit CAPITAL & MAIN
As CAPITAL & MAIN's “State of Equality” series has documented, economic inequality poses a grave threat to California’s future. Conditions would be far worse if not for progress made by activists, community leaders and lawmakers. In the last several years, California has generated some of the nation’s most innovative and effective strategies to reverse inequality. Here Judith Lewis Mernit lists 10 landmark achievements worth celebrating,emulating and strengthening.

Rewriting the Future: Using Science Fiction to Re-Envision Justice

Walidah Imarisha Bitch Media Bitch Magazine no. 66
Radical science fiction written by organizers, change makers and visionaries is collected and co-edited by Walidah Imarisha into an anthology Octavia's Brood: Science Fiction Stories from Social Justice Movements. Imarisha links her editing efforts to her work as a prison abolitionist and larger social movements' on-going need for envisioning our revolutionary futures.

The Worrying State of the Anti-Prison Movement

Ruth Wilson Gilmore Social Justice: A Journal of Crime, Conflict and World Order
Social justice activist Ruth Gilmore challenges four opportunist tendencies within the criminal justice movement - with lessons for ALL progressive movements.

Armed Drones for Sale

Lila Garrett LA Progressive
As of last week we lifted the ban on selling drones to foreign countries. Arms merchants have neither allies nor enemies. They have only customers. We are a country locked in a permanent war economy. To feed that economy we must have permanent war. And we have never been more successful at securing that combination than we are right now. Our endless wars with Iraq and Afghanistan destabilized the entire region.

Gaza in Ruins After Receiving Only 5% of Pledged Reconstruction Funds

Ken Klippenstein Reader Supported News
Palestinian children dying of hypothermia, 90% of water undrinkable and other daily realities resulting from Israeli criminal occupation and blockade are reviewed by Chris Gunness, spokesman for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), as he discusses the causes and consequences of the fact that only about 5% of pledged donations have reached Gaza.