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This Week in People’s History, Jan 30-Feb 5

Cartoon depicting improper post-war cooperation between the U.S. military and Nazi soldiers
Nazis in the Woodwork (in 1964), Nixon's Crime-Control (1969), Sorry, We Forgot the Casing (1969), Slavery By Another Name (1909), Segregated Schools in NYC? Sure. (1964), E.P. Thompson at 100 (1924), Ugly Americans (1899), Justice Delayed (1994)

Incapable of Sustaining Weeds

Tom Stevenson London Review of Books
What are​ the major wars of our time? Ukraine and Gaza, of course. But what about Syria, Yemen, Ethiopia, Myanmar, Sudan? Most of these are civil wars with very large numbers of fatalities. This is a review of "Understanding Ethiopia’s Tigray War"

Rashid Khalidi on This Moment in Palestinian History

Peter Beinart, Rashid Khalidi Beinart Notebook
Peter Beinart hosts Columbia Professor Rashid Khalidi America’s most eminent historian of the Palestinian people and the Palestinian struggle on "This Moment in Palestinian History.”

The Zapatista Uprising, 30 Years On

Bernard Duterme Equal Times
Despite their relative isolation, the Zapatistas intend to continue influencing social dynamics. They have demonstrated that mobilisation for diversity doesn’t have to mean identity-base tensions, and can accompany the fight for social justice.

Some Relief for SSI Recipients

Mike Ervin The Progressive
Social Security settles in court and must repay funds it had forced recipients to pay back.

Witnesses Call "Nitrogen Hypoxia" Execution Macabre

Jamiles Lartey The Marshall Project
“This was the fifth execution that I’ve witnessed in Alabama, and I have never seen such a violent reaction to an execution,” said journalist Lee Hedgepeth. Ultimately, the execution lasted about 22 minutes.