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The ‘Ghost Budget’: How America Pays for Endless War

Linda Bilmes Just Security
Prior to 2001, U.S. Wars were financed through a mixture of higher taxes and budget cuts, and funded mostly through the regular defense budget. The post 9-11 war funding pattern was completely different.

Six Challenges for the Tough Year Ahead

Max Elbaum Convergence Magazine
The people-power, energy, and savvy exist to regain the initiative against MAGA and win a ceasefire in Gaza. To do so, we will need to call on positive vision, political clarity, narrative power—and courage.

This Week in People’s History, Jan 9 – 15

Page 1 of an early issue of La Follette's Weekly Magazine
Fighting the Good Fight (in 1909), Teach Literacy, Go to Jail (1854), Deadly But Very Popular (1964), Pretending to Drain the Swamp (1984), Orgy of Police Brutality (1874), McCarthyism's Downfall (1964), Hitler's Friends in the House of Lords (1934)