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NLRB Says McDonald's is Responsible

Flavia Cabral; Steven Greenhouse New York Times
BREAKING NEWS: The general counsel of the National Labor Relations Board ruled on Tuesday that McDonald's is jointly responsible for workers at its franchisees' restaurants, a decision that if upheld would disrupt longtime practices in the fast-food industry and ease the way for unionizing nationwide.

Five Israeli Talking Points on Gaza-Debunked

Noura Erakat The Nation
UN estimates more than 74 percent of those killed are civilians - in a population of 1.8 million where the number of Hamas members is approximately 15,000. Israel does not deny that it killed those using modern aerial technology and precise weaponry courtesy of the U.S. This is not the first time. The gruesome images of decapitated children's bodies and stolen innocence on Gaza's shores are a dreadful repeat of Israel's assault on Gaza in November 2012 and winter 2008-09

All Life is Connected - We Are Part of a Whole - We Choose Freedom for All

Jewish Voice for Peace
A diverse group of celebrities, artists, and activists including American Jews and Palestinians are speaking out for Palestinian human rights in a video released online today. The video is a first of its kind expression of support for Palestinian freedom, equality and justice and features celebrities holding signs with the names and ages of Palestinian civilians recently killed by the Israeli military in Gaza.

Poor Parents Need Work-Life Balance Too

Michelle Chen The Nation
The “Schedules that Work” bill (introduced by Representatives George Miller and Rosa DeLauro and Senators Tom Harkin and Elizabeth Warren) is the proletarian answer to the workplace “flex” policies that are common in corporate offices. After all, poor parents need flexibility more than anyone, as they cope with the chaos of economic hardship and work unstable jobs with few benefits..

Carte Blanche for War Crimes Passes Senate Unanimously

William Boardman Reader Supported News
Logically enough, under present conditions of mostly indiscriminate killing, the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva met in special session to consider this war crimes question on July 23. The council reviewed and later adopted a resolution captioned: “Ensuring respect for international law in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem.” The lone vote against the commission of inquiry was the United States.

What I Learned Growing Up in the South as a Feminist, and the Problems With Today's Feminist Movement

Lynn Stuart Parramore Alternet
21st-century feminism, enriched by women-of-color feminists, working-class feminists, and others outside the mainstream, has opened up a promising new chapter. The contribution of young feminists to the Occupy Movement, in particular, has been a testimony to their influence and growing prestige. But the class fault lines are still there, and they often erupt into deep animosity.

Market Basket Revolt A Sign of Fed-Up Times

Bill Nemitz Portland Press Herald
Make no mistake about it. What’s happening at Market Basket’s 71 stores throughout Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine the past several days is nothing short of remarkable.Employees, from seasoned managers down to the greenest baggers, have all but crippled the company as they demand that its board of directors first and foremost reinstate Arthur T. Demoulas.

The Syriza of Spain

Bécquer Seguín Jacobin
While heavy on academics, the candidates on the Podemos ticket represented more of a cross-section of the Spanish citizenry than any other party in the country. Their ages ranged from eighteen to seventy-eight, and their vocations from firefighter to librarian, but most importantly they included unemployed workers of all shades.

How to Fix Venezuela's Troubled Exchange Rate

Mark Weisbrot Fortune
Even though the country’s black market for U.S. dollars has stabilized, the government will need to bring inflation down in order to maintain a stable exchange rate.