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Why Opposing the Israel Lobby Is No Longer Political Suicide

by Phyllis Bennis The Nation
Our movement isn’t strong enough yet to end US enabling of the carnage in Gaza—but the shift in public discourse is a crucial first step. Now we just have to escalate our own work to get on to that next stage.

GOP Governor Implements GOP Economics, Disaster Ensues

By Paul Waldman Washington Post
In many ways, Brownback’s term has been a perfect experiment in Republican governance. Take a crusading conservative governor, give him a legislature with Republican super-majorities so he can do pretty much whatever he wants, and let him implement the right’s wish list. The result was supposed to be a nirvana of economic growth and budgetary stability. But the opposite happened.

A Navy Nurse Is Refusing to Force-Feed a Guantanamo Inmate

By Josh Eidelson Business Week
“This nurse concluded that the military’s Guantanamo force-feeding policies are not humane,” Reprieve’s Crider said in an e-mailed statement. “Yet the military still insists that they are—so why won’t the Obama administration release the ten-plus hours of Mr. Dhiab being force-fed that I have seen? I think the American people would be very concerned to see what is happening at the prison.”

Reps. Rush, Davis Encourage Karen Lewis to Run for Mayor

By Lynn Sweet Chicago Sun Times
“When the leaders of my city, when the mayor stands proudly and takes credit for closing 54 public schools that are mostly on the South and West Sides of the City of Chicago, there is nothing but a continuation of the decades-long disinvestment in good-quality schools,” Rush said.

60 Years Later: On the Waterfront and Working-Class Studies

By Kathy M. Newman Working Class Perspectives
Though the bitterness against Kazan has lingered lo these many years, we in working-class studies should reclaim On the Waterfront as one of the important texts for understanding what happened to American labor in the postwar period. We do so not to redeem Kazan, but to honor the workers that he and Schulberg were trying to represent.

Net Neutrality Comments Crash FCC Website

April Glaser Electronic Frontier Foundation
A deep dive into a single issue: network neutrality and the current debate at the Federal Communications Commission around protecting the future of our open Internet.

How Voices Carry Signals of Sexual Intent

Jesse Bering Scientific American
Listeners prefer and respond more favorably (or in technical terms, in a more “proceptive” fashion) to opposite-sex voices that contain these special subtle acoustics