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Portside Moderators: Fascism Drops the Mask

Trump's fascist ideology and his plans for dictatorial rule are in plain view, day after day. The overriding question of 2024 is: How to defeat this imminent threat? Here is how we -- the Portside moderators -- see it. And how you can help Portside.

Justices in Wisconsin Order New Legislative Maps

Julie Bosman New York Times
The ruling, coming just months after liberals gained a 4-to-3 majority on the State Supreme Court, could undo gerrymanders that have given Republicans lopsided control of the State Legislature.

Wages and Prices: Who Is Keeping Up With What?

Dean Baker Center for Economic and Policy Research
Since President Biden took office, the media have run a constant stream of news stories about how high various prices were and telling their audiences that this has led to mass suffering.

Hollywood’s Maestro Does Disservice to a Great Musician and Educator

Karl Nerenberg
You might put Maestro high on your holiday viewing list. And you might enjoy the film as a well-paced, sometimes heart-wrenching portrait of a troubled marriage. But this writer found the film about Leonard Bernstein to be deeply disappointing.