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Funhouse Mirror

Christopher L. Brown London Review of Books
‘Perhaps the greatest shame of the Atlantic slave trade was that it inspired no shame at all. In their own time, Britain’s slave traders were men of distinction: “worthy men, fathers of families and excellent citizens”

Neanderthals: More Knowable Now Than Ever

Tim Vernimmen Knowable Magazine
Inviting a Neanderthal for the holidays? That's a good thing. Not only are they the closest relative of homo sapiens, but there's a bit of Neanderthal in almost all of us. New findings about them are coming thick and fast.

Pro-Israel Billionaires Are Spending Big To Oust Socialists From Office

Liza Featherstone Jacobin
Across the country, pro-Israel groups and billionaires are trying to stop the antiwar movement pushing for a cease-fire in Gaza by bringing down its elected leaders, including Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar. These are fights the Left can win with popu

This Week in People’s History, Dec 19–25

Cartoon of automaker bosses squeezing taxpayers dry
Is the President a King? (in 2008), Justice for Crimes Against Humanity (1983), A Safe, Legal, Way to Relieve Stress (1913), Where Was OSHA and EPA? (2008), Integrating Carnegie Hall (1938), You Call This "Home Rule"? (1973), Freedom Now! (1848)

Portside Moderators: Fascism Drops the Mask

Trump's fascist ideology and his plans for dictatorial rule are in plain view, day after day. The overriding question of 2024 is: How to defeat this imminent threat? Here is how we -- the Portside moderators -- see it.